Jesus Here

 •  1 min. read
Thou treasure, inexhaustible,
Thou source of true delight,
What care I for the world’s applause,
Or for its diamonds bright?
More prized by far, one smile from Thee,
Than all earth holds most dear;
I want for nothing man can give,
For I have Jesus here.
Yes, yes, this lov’d one is my own,
Could any richer be,
When all He has, and all He is—
All, all, belong to me?
In Him is bread that can sustain,
And living wine to cheer;
And there’s a heart that beats for me,
For I have Jesus here.
‘Tis sweet to linger by His side,
To listen to His voice,
For, oh! He speaks in melting tones,
Which make my heart rejoice.
And when His name, His own dear name,
Resounds upon my ear,
I can but weep for very joy,
For I have Jesus here.
And often now I love to sit,
And watch for His return,
For though in spirit He is here,
I still His absence mourn;
But soon shall dawn that brightest day,
Soon, soon, He shall appear.
And, oh! I must be with Him then,
For I have Jesus here.