Jesus Is Able

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
"Turn your field glasses on that spot on the mountain side, sir, and you will see a lost sheep!" The words were spoken by an old servant to a tourist as they hunted deer together in the Highlands of Scotland, and sure enough, he was able to discern the poor creature on a ledge of rock. Above it were un-scalable crags, and beneath it a precipice that dropped down a sheer 500 feet. "However could it have got there without flying?" exclaimed the visitor.
"Do you see a few yards down from the top of the cliff a narrow ledge of rock from which the grass has been eaten, and again to the right, another, and lower down another, and still another just above the one upon which the sheep is now? Well, that silly creature, tempted by those green-looking ledges, has scrambled from one to another, and can't get back."
"But can nothing be done to save it?"
"Nothing," was the answer. "Even if anybody were foolish enough to risk his life in trying, the poor beast is in such a nervous state now that at the sound of anyone approaching, it would leap over the precipice. And there's an eagle waiting for its prey. Nothing can save it."
Dear reader, if unsaved, your lost soul is in as great and imminent danger as that sheep was. Jesus alone can reach you and save you!" He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him." Heb. 7:25.
"Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else." Isa. 45:22.