Jesus Is the Saviour for You

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Jesus Is the Saviour for You
Children do not like to be left out. They like to go with their parents. There is a Saviour for boys and girls as well as for parents. God has left none out.
“A little child of seven,
Or even three or four,
May enter into heaven
By Christ the open door,
For when the heart believeth
On Christ the Son of God,
‘Tis then that soul receiveth
Salvation through the blood.”
Will you learn those simple lines and think about them, dear children?
Christ is the door which God has opened for all. Father and mother may enter, and so may you. All are welcomed. We all must enter to be saved. No other way will do; Christ is the only door.
No, other way of escape from judgment can he found. He alone can save. But He is the Door.
O, enter by Him now.
Do not think you are too bad. It was for sinners Jesus left His glory home on nigh. God gave Him that the ungodly and the undone might be saved. All may enter by that blessed open Door.
We have not to open it. No; we have only to enter by it, and this we do by simple faith.
The Door will he shut. It may he today. Would you be outside? Ah blessing is found in Him.
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9.
ML 06/02/1940