Jesus loves the little ones;
Wondrous was the love
That brought Him down from glory,
In His bright home above,
To save poor little ones.
Jesus seeks the little ones,
Wandering far in sin;
They little know the patient love
That seeks their souls to win,
And save lost little ones.
Jesus died for little ones,
On that dreadful tree;
And then what bitter pain He bore,
And untold agony,
To save poor little ones.
Jesus lives for little ones
In the heaven above,
And ne'er forgets the precious lambs,
Who've trusted in His love,
And are His little ones.
Jesus thinks of little ones
All the night and day,
And all the time they're sleeping,
And while they are at play,
And guards His little ones.
Soon He'll take His little ones
To live in His home,
So safe with Him forever,
And nevermore to roam;
Ah! happy little ones!