THERE are many, many little boys and girls who read, or listen while mamma or papa read this gospel paper, each week. and I am sure often in their hearts there is a longing to know Jesus as their Saviour. It may be that some think they are too little to become a Christian, but my dear little ones, Jesus said while here on earth,
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God” Mark 10:14; and in the 18th of Matt. verse 6, our Lord speaks of “little ones which believe in Me.”
He never tells little children to wait until they are big to be saved, but He does tell big people that they must come “as a little child,” if they would receive His salvation (Mark 10:15).
I will tell you about a little girl, who was troubled about her sins. She carried a very sad face, although only seven years old. She did so want to know how her sins could be all taken away.
Do you think she was told to be a very good girl? No, indeed, for she knew how very naughty she had been, and if she could be good all the rest of her life, that could not take away one of the sins she had committed in the past, for, of course, God cannot have any sin in heaven, so she must be shut out of that happy home above, unless she could get all the sins taken right away. Then she was told that Jesus came into the world for the purpose of saving sinners, and that little children and grown-up people were all alike sinners (1 Tim. 1:15; Rom. 3:23).
She was also told that the precious blood of Christ cleanses from all sin (ยค Jno. 1:7), and who-so-ever believes in Him, receives forgiveness of sins (Acts 10:43).
She was entreated just to trust Jesus at once, as there never would be as good and easy a time in her life to become a Christian. That night the little girl trusted Jesus, and knew through His precious blood, her sins were washed away for ever and ever.
One day her mother said to her,
“Run away, dear, and wash your hands clean,” when the child replied, as she ran off to do what she was bidden,
“Mother, my heart is cleaner than my hands, because it has been washed in the blood of Jesus.”
Can the dear children who read this true story, say, like our little friend,
“I have been washed in the blood of Jesus”?
Jesus, blessed Saviour, Thou hast died for me;
Make me very thankful in my heart to Thee,
When the sad, sad story of Thy grief I read,
I know this was for my sins, indeed.
“Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18.
ML 09/04/1927