As Christians, we may say that our dark history as men in the flesh has been closed at the cross of Christ. There God condemned sin in the flesh. (Rom. 8:5.) Christ’s death is the proof to us of our end as in God’s sight, “because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead.” (2 Cor. vs. 14, 15) The more we enter practically into this, the greater will be our peace.
Each heart knows its own bitterness let us not linger over the past, let us no longer occupy ourselves with the old ruin, which is ever claiming from us one other look of interest.
And what fills the present? Is it not the Lord Jesus, Him of whom the Spirit testifies to us now for our blessing? We have Him as our Friend for all the varied needs of the journey, but there are no milestones to be yet passed upon the way; for if we think of the future, if we hope, what is our hope?
“Till He come.” This fills the scene before us Jesus for the past, Jesus our present, and Jesus fills the future. May we be filled in Him.