“Suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves” (Mark 9:8).
Word came Tuesday evening that our beloved brother Norman Berry was called into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. A servant of the Lord, a soldier of Jesus Christ, and a beloved spiritual father has been removed from among us. Though our brother would have warned against speaking of the servant rather than the Master, we do feel the loss of his ministry. It is good to remember those “who have spoken unto you the word of God” and to follow their faith, “considering the end of their conversation” (Heb. 13:7). Many benefited from our brother’s fathering spirit, shepherding care and evangelical gift.
Years ago I received a letter from Mr. Berry. In it he recalled the time when the object and purpose of his life and service was made clear to his heart. Reading one day in Mark 9, he wrote that “two words” especially impressed him: “Jesus only” (vs. 8).
While many of us watched our beloved brother grow old in years, we also observed that his love for the Lord Jesus and desire to serve Him remained ever fresh. May our blessed Saviour be always the delight, joy and object of our hearts—that we too may see “no man . . . save Jesus only.”
Note: This was written shortly after the home-call of our brother on May 8, 2001. Due to preparing manuscripts ahead of publication date, it could not be included until this issue.