Jesus Praying.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
YOU might think that one who had such power as Jesus would not need to pray to God. But this is not so. Jesus was God, but He had become a man, too, and the right state for a man is to be dependent on God. The power and perfection of the man Christ Jesus lay in His keeping the place of entire dependence on God. He came to do God’s will, and He expressed His dependence on God, by praying to Him.
If you will read Mark 1:35, you will see that Jesus rose a great while before day, and went to a solitary place, where He could be alone with God, and there prayed. In Luke 6:12, we are told that He went into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
You will also find in Luke 3:21, it was when Jesus was praying after His baptism, that He received the Holy Ghost. So also in Luke 9:29, we learn, it was when He prayed on the mount, that He was transfigured. “And as He prayed, the fashion of His countenance was altered, and His raiment was white and glistening.” Then again, in Luke 22:41-46 we get Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane, just before He suffered on the cross.
There are other Scriptures also which speak of Jesus as praying; but I have called your attention to these, to show that Jesus was in the habit of praying to God. He was not careless about it, and did not allow anything to hinder Him. If He was thronged by the people through the day, who came to hear His teaching, and to get their deaf and dumb and sick and lame cured, He would get up very early, before it was day, and go where He could be alone to pray. Just before choosing His twelve apostles, He spent the whole night in prayer to God. He felt the importance of what was before Him, and took it all to God, and communed with Him about it the whole night. All this shows how perfect Jesus was as a man. He did not do His own will, but sought God’s mind in everything, and did only what He knew to be pleasing in God’s sight. This was the secret of all the blessing that flowed down from God through Him.
Now, dear children, if Jesus took everything to God in prayer, is it not fitting that we, the creatures of God, should pray to Him, and more especially if we have believed in Jesus, and are the children of God? If Jesus thought it worthwhile to raise long before day, and go out to some solitary place to pray, or spend a whole night in prayer, up on a mountain, do you not think there must be something in it? Yes, God likes to have us come to Him with all our needs. Only you must not think that your prayers will purchase your salvation. The blood of Christ has purchased that, and God gives it freely to all who believe in Jesus. But when we have believed, God likes to have us bring everything to Him in prayer, so that He may help us in all our needs. How many of you are in the habit of bowing on your knees before God, when you arise in the morning, and when you go to bed, to thank God for His goodness, and to seek His blessing? And how many of you go sometimes, where you can be alone, in order to pray to God? I am sure if you do this, you will find it good for your souls.
A. H. R.
If little children knew the love
Which dwells in Jesus’ breast,
How would they crowd unto His arms
All anxious to be blest!
“Come unto Me,” He sweetly cries:
Come little children, come;
Come to My open arms and heart ;
Come to My happy home.
Thus Jesus speaks,
Who makes reply,
“O Lord, I come to Thee;
Thy precious love hath won my heart,
Thine henceforth I will be”?
Oh precious choice, if such be thine,
Then thou indeed art blest :
Peace thy companion here shall be,
There, everlasting rest.
ML 09/23/1900