Jesus Prophesying.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Listen from:
Matt. 24.
False Christs.
JESUS prophesied that false Christs would come, and warned the believing Jews against them. Christians are warned against false prophets, or teachers, and against evil spirits rather than against false Christs. ยค Jno. 4:16.
Christians are not looking for a Christ to be born into the world, as the Jew s did, and still do. We who are Christians, know that Christ has already been born into the world, and that He died and rose again, and ascended to heaven; and also that He will come again into the air to gather His own to Himself. And so Christians are not warned against false Christs, because they cannot be deceived by foolish and wicked men who may set up to be the Christ.
But after Christ has come into the air, and taken away the church, it will be different. The Jews will still be looking for their Messiah to be born into the world and raised up as their Deliverer. And that is the time when the great danger will be. God will work in those who fear His name, and will give them the hope of the coming of the true Christ to deliver them. But that is just the time when the enemy of God’s people will do his utmost to deceive them; and he will succeed, too, in deceiving the unbelieving mass of the Jews, while, through the warnings of Jesus, a part will be preserved.
Jesus warns all those who fear God, saying to them: “Take heed that no man deceive you; for many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.” Again, He says There ‘shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
How kind and gracious is Jesus thus to warn them before hand, so that they should not fall under the power of the enemy.
Already, in the past, many false Christs have arisen—perhaps forty or more—who have succeeded in leading many of the Jews after there, to their own destruction. But the greatest effort of Satan will be after the church is gone. At that time the antichrist will arise, He will be the great false Christ. Many others also will arise, and by the power of Satan will show great signs and wonders, and the unbelieving Jews will be deceived, while God will preserve those who trust in Him, and will bring them into the blessings promised to the fathers.
Dear young reader, Jesus, the true Christ, has already come, and has died for sinners. He has also risen again, and gone back to heaven, and is there now a living Saviour for all men. And God calls upon all men to repent and believe the good news—to believe in Jesus, and confess His name before men. Have you believed? Have you confessed Jesus as your Lord? If so, you are already saved, and you need have no fear of false Christs; for, before that special time of danger comes, of which. Jesus warns the Jews, He, Himself, the Lord from heaven, will come, and take you where no false Christs can ever enter to deceive. Yes, He will come and take His waiting people home, to be with Himself.
May you be found waiting and watching for Jesus to come from heaven.
ML 01/03/1904