"Jesus Said, Blessed, Blessed, Blessed."

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Listen from:
Matt. 5:3-11.
A testament had been torn up, and the leaves thrown to the winds; a poor man found one of the leaves, and picked it up. He could read, and saw,
“And Jesus said,” “And Jesus answered and said,” and “Jesus said,” and so on.
He said to himself, What! has the blessed Lord said so many things, and I do not know them?
Struck by these simple but solemn words, “Jesus said,” he went off to the neighboring town, and bought a New Testament, was converted, believing what Jesus said, and was happy in a known Saviour.
Dear young friend, never let a day pass but that you read some words in that precious Book,
A man was speaking to another man in the house about the Scriptures. His niece, a young woman, said,
“But they tell me, sir, that it is a bad Book, that the devil wrote it.” The poor girl was very ignorant and could not read. The man said,
“That is. shocking blasphemy; but I will not reason with you, but will read you a little, and you shall tell me yourself the devil wrote it.”
He read to her what is called the beatitudes, the “Blessed,” “Blessed,” of the fifth of Matthew, He then said,
“Well, what do you think of that? Did the devil write that?”
“No, sir,” she said “the devil never wrote that; that must have come from the mouth of God.”
“The Word of God had laid hold of her. She lived and died most happily.
What a power there is in the Word of God.
“Blessed are all they that put; their trust in Him.” Psa. 2:12.
ML 07/05/1942