T.W.P. Wolston, Editor
(Tune, Lois. Hymnal Companion, No. 443)
OH, I’ve joyful news to tell,
Jesus saves! Jesus saves;
He hath vanquished death and hell
Ransomed souls these tidings swell,
Jesus saves! Jesus saves.
Once upon the painful tree
Jesus bled! Jesus bled.
Gave Himself for thee and me,
Yes, to set the prisoner free
Jesus bled! Jesus bled.
Bearing sin’s full weight and load
Jesus died! Jesus died;
Meeting all the claims of God,
Us to ransom by His blood,
Jesus died! Jesus died.
All His wondrous work complete,
Jesus rose! Jesus rose;
Satan bruised beneath His feet,
Death and hell confess defeat;
Jesus rose! Jesus rose.
Now of this be fully sure,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives;
For the Spirit o’er and o’er
Whispers in convincing power,
Jesus lives! Jesus lives.
Wand’rer! hear the heavenly news,
Jesus loves! Jesus loves;
Loves to heal the sin-made bruise,
Saves the worst―will none refuse,
Jesus loves! Jesus loves.
Once again this note I’d shout,
Jesus saves! Jesus saves;
Come to Him, He’ll none cast out,
Blessed news! let no one doubt,
Jesus saves! Jesus saves.
W. T. P. W.