What Name is that which sounds so sweet,
And seems to tell us "All is well,"
And whereso'er that Name we meet,
It echoes forth "Emmanuel"?
`Tis Jesus, (Name we love to tell,
Which every name does far excel).
What Name is that which whispers, "Peace,"
And sends through every breast a thrill,
Which bids the tearful mourner, "Cease,"
And raging billows, "Peace! Be still"?
`Tis Jesus, (Name we love to tell,
Which every name does far excel).
What Name is that which tells of Love,
And sweetly says, "I died for thee";
And now is calling from above,
"Lean hard, beloved one, on Me"?
`Tis Jesus, (Name we love to tell,
Which every name does far excel).
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
1 Timothy 1:15.