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“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.”
Revelation 3:20
Jiggles is a small white and black dog who works and plays on my farm. She is also our pet.
One summer evening when I was fixing supper, there was a “click, click” on the patio door. Jiggles was tapping it with her toenails. I knew what she was saying: “Open, please!” I was busy, so I didn’t open the door right away. But Jiggles really wanted in, so she knocked again by jumping up against the glass, bumping it with all four feet at once, “ka-thump, ka-thump.” “Hey, open up  .  .  .  I want in!”
Stop for a minute and listen. Do you hear someone knocking on the door of your heart? It’s Jesus knocking! He tells us in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.” Will you open the door of your heart and let Him come in? He wants to wash your sins away so He can have fellowship with you and then take you to live with Him in heaven. He wants you to let Him in.
I went to open the door, but what I saw was a very, very dirty Jiggles who had been in some very dirty place. I told her, “No way are you coming in my house  .  .  .  you are as dirty as a pig! You need a bath first.” Jiggles likes to sit in my chair and share it with me, and sometimes she hops up on the bed. In no time everything would be dirty, if I let her come in the way she was.
In John 14:2 God tells us that He has a house in heaven, but in Revelation 21:27 He tells us that nothing can enter His house that defiles it - no dirty sins. We must have our sins washed away before we can enter His home. And only one thing can wash us clean: “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Jiggles needed a bath, and only after she was scrubbed clean was she welcomed into the house. And if you will come to Jesus and let Him wash you clean, He will welcome you into His home with open arms when your life on earth is over.