This chapter gives us the Lord’s prayer. Earlier (Luke 11:14) He taught the disciples how to pray. Notice that when the Lord prays, there is no confession of sin (for He is holy), no feeling of inferiority (for He is God) and no entreaty for help (for He can do all things). The Lord Jesus always glorified the Father, and soon the Father would glorify the Son by raising Him from among the dead. Furthermore, the Son has power to give eternal life to all those who receive Him as their Savior. Although all may avail themselves of this wonderful gift, not all men have faith, nor do they repent of their sin. But those who have and who keep His Word are prayed for and looked after in a special way. True, “He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil” (Luke 6:35), but He prays for those who were given to Him, not for the world. They would be hated by the world but are left here as a witness. When He returns, then they will be taken out of this world, but His present prayer is that we be kept from all the evil around us.
Remember that the Lord Jesus always was; He had no beginning. The Father loved Him before the foundation of the world and always will. First Corinthians 16:22 Says, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Literally that means, “Accursed at the Lord’s coming.”
1. To have eternal life is to truly know whom? __________ John 17:___
2. What does Jesus say that the disciples (those the Father had given Him out of the world) had kept? __________ John 17:___
3. The Lord Jesus prays for those who were given to Him. Who does He not pray for? __________ John 17:___
4. Although the Lord Jesus does not pray that they should be taken out of the world, what is His request for them? __________ John 17:___
5. The Father has loved the Lord Jesus since before __________. John 17:___