Nicodemus, as a Master of Israel, ought to have known from the oracles of God, that the doctrine, "a man must be born again," stood at the forepart of Israel's restoration to their own land, and their pre-eminence among the nations. Till man as a sinner is reconciled to God, he is incapable of enjoying God's temporal blessings, for he cannot enjoy God in them. "Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again" (ye -Jews). The doctrine was plainly taught (Ezek. 36; Jer. 31) that the earthly blessings promised by God to Israel, would never be enjoyed by them till they were born again. This doctrine stands as the basis of all blessing from God. The Lord in announcing it to Nicodemus refers to its connection with earthly things; and, if he did not believe that, how could he receive it as the basis of heavenly blessings, "those spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ," of which the Holy Ghost, sent down from heaven, is now the special witness and earnest.
Presbutes The Christian Annotator 2:95 (1855).