John 5:24

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
WILL you read this beautiful verse, and will you also learn it by heart, every single word: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life"?
Here are three happy testimonies about this one verse from three young people. The first quoting it, tells us how God had through it given her to know she has life. She says: “May you take God at His word as I have done. It is a blessed thing to have peace with God. Look to Jesus, and be ye saved.'
Now is the accepted time: now is the day of salvation.' Good-bye.”
Little Nellie writes also on this same verse, "I thought I was good enough, but still I was unsaved. It was by this verse I came to see the truth. I went home rejoicing that night because I had found Jesus, and now I am a sinner saved by grace.”
And our young friend, Sarah, says, "God in His own goodness opened my eyes to let me see where I was going to keep eternity, but, thank God, I am now trusting in the Lord. I cannot express the happiness I have found. Dear young friends, if you will only look to Jesus, how happy you will be! This beautiful Scripture (John 5:24.), was opened up to me. Think of this—to have everlasting life, and to dwell with the Father in the beautiful home on high. Dear young reader, do you ever think of your never-dying soul? Perhaps some of your schoolmates are cut down, or those who work for your good, and have never even time to say good-bye. Do look to the Lord Jesus.”
Do take God at His word, we also say to you; the Lord never deceives any who put their trust in Him. When He says, "Verily, verily, I say unto you," remember that He is speaking to you, your own self. If there was no one else in the world, Jesus is speaking to you. And when the Lord says, "He that heareth," you must ask yourself, "Do I really hear Him." if you have His word you have life.