John's Tract

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A CHRISTIAN man used to spend his Sunday afternoons walking with his little boy of six years. They would each take a handful of tracts, and offer them to the passers-by. John took special pleasure in going up to people and saying,
“Won’t you please read this?”
Seldom did any one refuse to accept the little papers when they saw the bright, eager face before them.
Late one afternoon as they were on their way home, walking hand in hand, and every tract they had brought with them was gone, John turned to his father with a serious face, and said,
“I would like to write a tract myself, then I would know what was in it. I do not always know what is in yours.”
His father readily agreed, and immediately after supper, John sat down to his self-appointed task. He could not write very well yet, so he printed in large letters on a sheet of paper the following,
His father and mother were delighted, and told him they thought it was very good. He spent the remainder of the evening making copies, ready to give out on his next walk with father.
Dear children, how many of you could, and would do the same?
“In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand; for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that. or whether they both shall be alike good.” Eccles. 11:6.
ML 04/30/1922