WHEN the seven years of plenty had come to an end, the seven years of dearth began to come, according to Joseph’s interpretation of the dream. The dearth was not confined to Egypt, for all the lands round about had famine also, and these lands were in far worse condition than Egypt, for through Joseph’s wise provision there was bread stored up in the land of Egypt while other lands had made no such provision.
We see God’s merciful care for His own in giving knowledge of what was to come, so that they might provide against the day of trouble. He is the Preserver of all, but specially of them that believe. See 1 Tim. 4:10.
When the people of Egypt began to be famished, they cried to Pharaoh, and Pharaoh sent them to Joseph, saying, “What he saith to you, do.” And Joseph opened the store-houses and sold to the Egyptians.
And other countries began to send to Egypt to buy corn of Joseph for the famine was very sore in all lands.
Even in the land of Canaan there was no food, and Jacob and his sons, and their wives, and their little ones were suffering because of the dearth. Jacob had heard that there was food in Egypt and he said, one day, to his sons, “Why do ye look one upon another? Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt; get you down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live and not die.”
In obedience to their father’s command, Joseph’s ten brothers made their preparations. and went down to Egypt to buy some corn. Jacob would not allow Benjamin, his youngest son, to go with them, for fear some mischief would befall him. His heart still mourned for Joseph, and now he could not think of parting with the only son left to him, of his loved Rachel. So Benjamin stayed with his father and the rest went on their journey.
ML 03/09/1902