July 20: He Remembers … Shall We?

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Thus saith the Lord; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals. Jeremiah 2:2
ER 2:2{Forgetting all the sin, all the backsliding, all the coldness, casting all that into the unreturning depths of the sea, He says He remembers that hour when we first said, "Take my love." He remembers it now, at this minute. He has written it forever on His infinite memory, where the past is as the present. His own love is unchangeable, so it could never be His wish or will that we should thus drift away from Him. Oh, "Come and let us return unto the Lord"! But is there any hope that, thus returning, our flickering love may be kept from again failing? Hear what He says: "And I will betroth thee unto Me forever." And again: "Thou shalt abide for Me many days; so will I also be for thee." Shall we trust His word or not? Is it worthy of our acceptation or not? Oh, rest on this word of the King, and let Him from this day have the keeping of your love, and He will keep it!
Whom He calleth He preserveth, and His glory they shall see;
He is faithful that hath called you; He will do it, fear not ye!
Therefore, holy brethren, onward! thus ye make your calling sure;
For the prize of this high calling, bravely to the end endure.