Ye shall go forth, and grow up. Malachi 4:2
AL 4:2{All our natural delight in progress finds satisfaction here—no stagnation, no reaching a dead level; we are on an ever-winning side, bound up with an ever-progressing cause. A typical light on this point flashes from the story of David. He "went on and grew great," or, as the margin has it, "going and growing"; which we cannot forbear connecting with the promise to ourselves. And then we are told that he "waxed greater and greater" (margin), "went on going and increasing." But we must not be merely onlookers. Let us see to it, first, that there be increasing prosperity in His kingdom in our hearts. Pray that He may not only reign, but prosper in that domain. And next, let us see to it that we are doing all we can to further His prosperity all around us. Translate our daily prayer, "Thy kingdom come," into daily, burning, glowing action for its prosperity.
That "greater things," far greater, our longing eyes shall see!
We can but wait and wonder what "greater things" shall be!
But glorious fulfillments rejoicingly we claim,
While pleading In the power of the All-prevailing Name.