July 3

Mark 14:72
“And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny Me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept”— Mark 14:72.
THERE is a difference between Apostasy and Backsliding. This difference is illustrated clearly in the records concerning Judas and Simon Peter. Apostasy is a complete rejection of the truth, and hence of Him who came to proclaim it and who is Himself the way, the truth, and the life. One may profess faith in Christ and give outward adherence to His teaching without ever being born again. In the hour of severe temptation, such an one may apostatize, completely repudiating all he once professed to believe. This is to become apostate, and for such an one there is no promise of restoration. Backsliding, on the other hand, is a lowering of one’s spiritual experience until in the hour of testing there is no strength to stand, and so sad failure may come in to mar one’s testimony. But the Lord says, He is married to the backsliding one, and He will bring about restoration eventually (Jer. 3:14). Peter was a backslider. Though he fell into grievous sin, he soon realized his wretched plight and returned in deep penitence to the Lord he had denied.
“I cannot triumph over inward sin,
Nor rise above the world’s rude strife and din;
I cannot live for Thee one single hour.
Except as Thou, O Lord dost give the power.
Communion’s holy path I cannot tread.
Nor feed my soul upon the Living Bread,
Nor fill a humble witness-bearer’s place.
But by the workings of Thy sovereign grace.”
—Wm. Blanc.