Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us. 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10
TH 5:9-10{Died for us? Who else did as much for you? Who else ever loved you so much? Only think now what it really means, because it is really true; and surely it is most ungrateful, when one for whom such a great thing has been done does not even think about it. It was the very most He could do to show His exceeding love to you. He was not obliged to go through with it; He might have come down from the cross any moment. The nails could not have kept Him there an instant longer than He chose; His love and pity were the real nails that nailed Him fast to the cross till the very end, till He could say, "It is finished," till He "died for us." It was not only because He loved His Father that He did it, but because He loved us; for the text goes on, "Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we might live together with Him." So He loved us so much that He wanted us to live together with Him; and as no sin can enter His heavenly Home, He knew our sins must be taken away before we could go there. And only His blood could take sin away, only death could atone for it; and so He bled that we might be washed in His most precious blood; He died, "that, whether we wake or sleep, we might live together with Him.”
Then glory in the highest be to Him, our Strength and Song;
May every heart uplift its part, In blessings deep and long.
Thro' Him who died that we might live, our thanks to God ascend,
The King of kings and Lord of lords, our Savior and our Friend.