June 22

Mark 1:34
“He healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew Him”— Mark 1:34.
THESE unclean spirits recognized in Him the One who was to pronounce sentence of judgment upon them. In the unseen world no one doubts the Deity of Christ, Angels gladly confess it. Demons acknowledge it, and men and women who have gone into the other world know His power and authority. It is only on earth that any dare dispute it. He silenced the demons, as He did not desire testimony from them. But He delights in the recognition by men of His true nature and being (Matt. 16:16, 17; John 20:28, 29).
“Thou Son of God, Eternal,
Who was, when things began;
Before all things created,
Thy pleasure was with man.
All things by Thee were formed,
All for Thy pleasure made,
By Thee the deep foundations
Of heaven and earth were laid.
Thou from the highest glory
Didst stoop in grace to be
Made flesh, and dwell among us:
Oh, wondrous mystery!
Thou who dost fill the ‘bosom,’
And all its counsels know,
Thou whom the angels worship,
Reveal’d as Man below.”