June 9

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shalt find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall he opened”— Matthew 7:7, 8.
GOD does answer prayer. This is one evidence of the supernaturalism of what is commonly called “revealed religion,” as distinguished from mere human philosophy. The word “religion” is too broad a term for Christianity itself, but it is a convenient expression to cover the full setting forth of man’s relationship to God as set forth in both Old and New Testaments. In all past dispensations, as well as in the present one, God has been revealed as the hearer and answerer of prayer (Psa. 65:2; Isa. 56:7; Matt. 21:13). It is He Himself who invites us to come to Him with our petitions, and promises to give according to our need (Phil. 4:19).
It is not necessarily true that we always receive exactly what we ask, God reserves to Himself the right to answer as His wisdom dictates, But He never ignores the cries of His children.
“‘Tis ours to ask, ‘tis His to answer prayer,
Whether by granting our requests that seem to us
so fair:
Or, by withholding, thus to try our love;
The earth beneath us seems as brass, as iron the
heavens above,
Still we must pray—nor doubt the answer good;
Though not what we desired, or hoped, nor by
us understood;
Yet we will pray, for praying we are blest.
Then, come what will, with God above,
Whatever is... is best.”
―A. Salmon.