Just as You Are

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John, a young fisherman, tied his boat securely in the little fishing port. Work was over for the day and before long he would be back at the cottage where his mother would have a meal ready for him and a comfortable chair to sit on. His hands were soiled, his face tanned, his hair blown into an untidy mass by the wind. At the top of the steps, an artist stood watching him as he tied his boat, gathered up the basket of fish, and climbed up the steps whistling merrily.
“Excuse me!” interrupted the artist suddenly, laying his hand on John’s arm. “Would you sit for me to paint your portrait?”
John flushed with pleasure.
“Why, yes, sir — thank you, sir.”
“Come along then to my studio. It’s not far away.”
“When, now?” John looked surprised. “Well, just let me go and get cleaned up,” he continued, “and change into something respectable.”
“No! No!” said the artist eagerly; “don’t do that. I want you just as you are.”
After several months the picture was completed and was hung in a well-known picture gallery. The artist became famous because of his painting.
Meanwhile, John heard of the Lord Jesus Christ who also wanted him. He learned how sinful he was and how impossible it was to be saved by trying to be good. One evening as he was reading his Bible, he read: “The Son of God who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. John sat thinking of that verse and the thought came to him that the Lord Jesus wanted him to come to Him then, and not try to clean himself up or try to be more respectable. It seemed as if the Lord were saying, “I want you just as you are, John.”
Just as he had gone right away to the artist’s studio, so John went to the Lord Jesus that evening and asked Him to take away his sin. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. Many people came to know the artist through the picture of John, but a greater number came to know the Lord Jesus through John himself, for he became a bright testimony for Him.
Dear reader, you may come today just as you are — and the Lord Jesus will welcome you with His arms wide open. Then you will be able to sing—
“Just as I am — without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!”
ML 11/11/1956