Time for departure had arrived. The train slowly started, and rapidly gaining speed, was gliding out of the station. Suddenly a young man sprinted up to a coach and, grabbing the handrail, jumped in only just in time. He was out of breath, pale, and very much flurried by his race to catch the train. A few seconds later and he would have been too late.
Recovering a little and looking more at ease, he was greeted by the man across the aisle: "A very near thing that time!" To this show of interest he replied: "Yes, it was; but I had to make this train! I nearly went underneath too, but I'm glad I didn't slip farther.”
"Ah," replied the first speaker, "and suppose you had slipped under the wheels and been killed. Would you have been prepared to meet God?”
Looking somewhat surprised, the young man hesitatingly replied: "Well, no; I can't say that I would have been.”
This led the older of the two to speak of the importance of getting right with God while all seems to be going well. We never know what a day may bring forth, but we do know that God in goodness and love is constantly warning us of the uncertainty of life and the reality of eternity. The young man became very serious and seemed to give assent. Perhaps the word struck home. A few stations farther brought him to his journey's end, and the two men parted. They had never met before, and might never meet again.
Reader, does this speak to you at all? No doubt you have read often of souls who have been ushered into eternity without a moment's warning. Had you been among their number would you have been ready? Could you have gone into the presence of God with joy? You must one day stand before Him. Will it be as one of His own, or must He then say to you: "Depart from Me"?
Oh, be wise in time. Accept at once the salvation which God offers you through the gospel, for He says, "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Prov. 27:1.