Just Three Things

“I once met a scholar,” says Bishop Whipple, “who told me that for years he had read every book that he could which assailed the religion of Jesus Christ; and he said he would have become an infidel but for three things. ‘First, I am a man. I am going somewhere. Tonight I am a day nearer the grave than I was last night. I have read all such books can tell me. They shed not one solitary ray upon the darkness. They shall not take away the only guide and leave me stone-blind. Second, I had a mother. I saw her go down the dark valley, where I am going, and she leaned upon an unseen Arm as calmly as a child goes to sleep on the breast of its mother. I know that this was not a dream. Third, I have three motherless daughters (and he said it with tears in his eyes); they have no protector but myself. I would rather kill them than to leave them in this world if you blot out all teachings of the Gospel.’”