WHILST staying in London a short time ago, I suggested to my companion a special trip to Westminster to hear Big Ben strike twelve o’clock. Accordingly we started in excellent time (as we thought) to be there a few minutes beforehand. What was our surprise, however, to find that the last note had just died away as we reached the corner.
“Why, how strange! I thought we had plenty of time! and how is it that we did not hear?”
Ah! only one minute too late. Yet how many there are who are fondly hoping there is plenty of time, whilst the din and roar of life’s daily battle drowns the still small voice, which whispers so often of fleeting time.
Ours was but a small disappointment. Yours will be an eternal one, if God’s voice remains unheeded. “Plenty of time” is one of Satan’s most frequent and terrible delusions. Time enough for anything but this one thing needful!
I remarked to one in an important post last week, “How quickly the time flies!” “Yes,” was the somewhat startling reply, “we shall soon have to get ready for the next world.” This from one who boasted of heedlessness, showed how the thought of eternity finds the sinner unprepared. It is rash folly to play with life.
“‘Tis not for man to trifle—life is brief,
And sin is here.
An age is but the falling of a leaf,
A dropping tear.
We have no time to sport away the hours,
All must be earnest in a world like ours.”
Only a short time ago a very gifted young lady began painting these words―
“Only one life, ‘twill very soon be past,
Only what’s done for Jesus Christ will last.”
Very soon after she went to be with her Saviour, and only the unfinished words remain as a warning to those she has left behind. Oh, do not be deluded, hasten to enter ere the day of grace be gone—no matter how vile, Jesus loves such; no matter how sinful, the Saviour seeks the sinner. Let not your timepiece strike another hour, dear reader, for even then it may be TOO LATE, your ETERNITY may be decided. Report tells of a man having lost £18,000 through delay. But “what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” is the Saviour’s invitation to the sinner today. He died instead of you; your sins deserve eternal death, but His precious blood can cleanse each spot, and make you whiter than snow if you will only come to Him.
Time is quickly passing on. Do think seriously of these things. Take Christ as your Saviour today—yes, NOW―or the opportunity may NEVER occur again.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation? “Now is the accepted time; you cannot boast of tomorrow. E.