Kathy and Her Chickens

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
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Kathy lived not too far from the big city, next to a little creek. Her family loved country living and bought a little home with a nice big yard. There was a little woods near the creek, with some very tall evergreen trees and some good climbing trees too. Kathy, her brother and little sister spent many hours climbing and playing in this woods, and Kathy’s chickens liked to scratch in the dead leaves to look for worms.
Let me tell you about the rooster they had that was not one bit friendly! He guarded his hens like no other rooster that Kathy’s grandma had ever known. He was so fierce that even Kathy’s dad told the children they had better stay far away from him. Since they couldn’t gather the eggs because of this unfriendly rooster, Dad had to do it now. He always took a big stick along to defend himself. You almost had to laugh watching this big man being so cautious around this mean rooster that was the “king” of his chickens. Even being booted away didn’t faze him. Eventually, it was not safe for anyone to face that mean rooster. They finally had to put a “MEAN ROOSTER FOR SALE” sign out, and away he went. No one missed him!
They bought another rooster, and he was really good with the chickens. He’d go find something good to eat and call the hens to come and enjoy the treat. Baby chicks were hatched, and what fun the children had watching how the mother hen carefully guarded her family. If there was a big bird circling the property, mother hen would call her little chicks to hide under her wings until the danger was passed. And they always obeyed.
Summer came and Kathy’s family went camping with their cousins. What fun they had. Grandma was invited along, and since Kathy’s tent was kind of tight, they let Kathy sleep in Grandma’s tent. Grandma loved having her little 5-year-old granddaughter sleeping so close by. One night everything was finally dark and quiet. The fire was done crackling and there were just a few night noises out in the darkness. But what was that quiet whimper? Grandma listened more closely, and yes, it was Kathy crying very quietly. Grandma asked, “Why are you crying, Kathy?” The answer came—”I’m afraid for my chickens.”
Grandma and Kathy talked about those chickens at home. Yes, there were animals out there that would like a chicken dinner. But there were too many miles to travel to go check on their safety. Grandma explained to Kathy that the Lord Jesus never sleeps, and He does look at things on earth. Grandma suggested that she and Kathy pray and ask the Lord Jesus to protect those dear pets. In simple faith, Grandma and Kathy prayed, asking the Lord Jesus for safety for the chickens. Immediately, Kathy turned over her fear to the Lord Jesus and went sound asleep.
Children, everyone has times of having problems and fears. What a comfort to be able to bring our problems and fears to the Lord Jesus, just like Kathy did. The Bible says, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). If you don’t know Jesus as your loving Savior, just tell Him that you know you are a sinner, and you want to belong to Him. He has promised not to turn you away. The Bible plainly says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Everyone wants to be loved, and everyone needs to be loved, and Jesus wants to be loved too—by YOU! Then you can sleep soundly when you give your problems to Him, just like Kathy did.
MEMORY VERSE: “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7