PETER, surely writing from his own experience, draws a most comforting picture of the Christian pilgrim. He is “guarded by the power of God.” We should fear to live if we knew how great are the perils which beset our path, and from which God delivers us. Now and again we see the danger and the deliverance. But all this strong and safe and beautiful life is ours only on condition that we are going “unto salvation.” It is not in every oath of life that God’s protection and power will be exercised, but only when we are walking in His ways. F. W. AINLEY.
TRUST God’s wisdom thee to guide,
Trust His goodness to provide;
Trust His saving love and power,
Trust Him every day and hour.
Trust Him as the only light,
Trust Him in the darkest night;
Trust in sickness, trust in health,
Trust in poverty and wealth.
Trust in joy, trust in grief,
Trust in promise for relief;
Trust Him living, dying too,
Trust Him all the journey through.