Kindness to Animals.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Help for the Horse.
The Boston Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals once had a notion as big as its name. It planned to give a two weeks' vacation to all the work horses of the city.
Some of these horses have probably never had a rest. Day after day, year after year, they have strained at heavy burdens. No Sundays for them. No holidays. Nothing but grinding toil.
What a privilege to take such a faithful servant and turn him out into the green pastures and besides the still waters! The very thought is a pleasure.
If men worked with as much fidelity as horses, and as uncomplainingly, this world would be near to heaven. Indeed, I believe that a large section of the celestial meadows will be reserved for the weary overworked horses of earth. And I sometimes question whether many of their present owners will be there to take care of them.