172. Lamb of God, We Bow Before Thee
Lamb of God, we bow before Thee,
Calvary’s tale creation awed;
Well may Thy redeemed adore Thee,
While we sound this note abroad —
Calvary’s Victim, Calvary’s Victim
Vindicates the throne of God.
Rock of Ages, rent asunder,
Riven neath the wrath of God;
Safe within those clefts we wonder,
While we sound this note abroad —
Calvary’s Victim, Calvary’s Victim
Reconciles our souls to God.
Savior God, the altar’s craving
Thou hast satisfied with blood;
Now in heaven, fresh incense waving,
Sweetly sounds this note abroad —
Calvary’s Victim, Calvary’s Victim
Fills with joy the heart of God.
Man of sorrows, God of glory,
Wondrous path Thy foot hath trod;
Cross and crown rehearse the story,
Joyous sound this note abroad —
Calvary’s Victim, Calvary’s Victim
Now adorns the throne of God.