“Lamb” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Young of sheep or goat
Favorite sacrifices (Ex. 29:38-41; Num. 28:9-29).
“Sheep” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
An important animal among Hebrews, and a main source of wealth
Shepherd’s occupation highly respectable (Gen. 4:2; Ex. 3:1; 1 Sam. 16:11; Job 42:12), though odious to Egyptians. Used for sacrifices (Ex. 20:24; 29:38; Lev. 9:3); for food (1 Sam. 25:18). Wool used for clothing (Lev. 13:47). Skins used for tabernacle coverings (Ex. 25:5). Paid as tribute (2 Kings 3:4). Sheep and shepherd employed much figuratively (2 Chron. 18:16; Psa. 119:176; Matt. 9:36; John 10:11; Heb. 13:20). The common sheep of Syria and Palestine was the broad-tailed variety.
“Lamb” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
The lamb is symbolical of meek submissiveness, and when selected for the sacrifices, must be without blemish and without spot: a very apt type of the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God. He, the submissive and spotless One, was “like a lamb dumb before his shearer,” and was proclaimed by John as “the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world”; and again as “the Lamb of God” as an object for the soul’s contemplation (John 1:29,36). In John’s vision of heaven the Lord Jesus is seen as a Lamb “which had been slain,” to whom universal adoration is given.
The special character attached to the title of “Lamb” in the book of Revelation is that of suffering, the earth-rejected One, but seen in the midst of the throne in heaven. He who suffered is vindicated there, and finally possesses His bride, the new Jerusalem, in which the throne of God and of the Lamb is established. He will always bear the character of the chosen One of God “that taketh away the sin of the world” on the ground of the sacrifice of Himself (Rev. 5:6-13; Rev. 6:1,16; Rev. 7:9-17; Rev. 12:11; Rev. 14:1-10; Rev. 15:3; Rev. 17:14; Rev. 19:7,9; Rev. 21:9-27; Rev. 22:1,3). In all these passages in the Revelation the word is ἀρνίον, the diminutive of ἀρνός, “a lamb,” signifying a “young lamb,” or “lambkin.” The same word was used by the Lord to Peter in John 21:15: “Feed My lambs,” applying it to the Lord’s young disciples.
“Sheep” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Sheep were bred in great numbers in Palestine, and formed a large part of the property of the Israelites. The species common there was the broad tailed sheep with horns (Ovis laticaudatus and Ovis aries).
In Palestine they follow the shepherd and know his voice, and will not follow a stranger. Sheep and lambs were constantly offered in sacrifice. The morning and evening lamb and the passover lambs were all types of the sacred One who was called “the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.”
Symbolically sheep are figurative of mankind, as being prone to wander: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way” (Isa. 53:6; Luke 15:4-7). The Lord said, “My sheep shall never perish.” The Good Shepherd calls His own sheep by name, and when brought into His own company they have perfect security, liberty, and sustenance (John 10:9). The Lord led His sheep out of the Jewish fold: these were united with His “other sheep” (Gentile believers), that they all should become “one flock” with one Shepherd (John 10:3, 16). In the future judgment of the nations, those saved are called “sheep,” in distinction from the lost, who are called “goats” (Matt. 25:31-46).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
apparently by transposition for 3532; a young sheep