Memory Verse: “Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.” Job 33:24
Exams were finally over for Sherry and she was so relieved. She was looking forward to Saturday’s hiking trip at Niagara Falls with her three friends. The furthest thing from her mind was the possibility of dying, and yet, before the day was over Sherry would come very close to death.
The four friends began their hike at the bottom of the falls. They hiked up a trail that climbed the steep slope beside the roaring falls. Keith called back to the others, “We seem so insignificant!” but no one heard him over the roar of the water. Seven thousand gallons of water were falling every second with enough force to erode four feet of rock a year from the edge. Spotting an observation platform upriver from the falls, the four friends hiked to it and walked out to gaze down at the rapids. It was here that Sherry did a foolish thing. Leaving the safety of the observation platform, she climbed over a railing and walked a short distance onto a narrow ledge about 20 feet above the water. She did not think of the danger and just slowly walked along the ledge, casually throwing little stones into the rushing rapids.
The height along the path started to make Sherry feel a little dizzy, so she turned to rejoin her friends. Just at that instant she stumbled, losing her balance, and plunged head-first into the rapids. Surfacing, she immediately struggled in a frantic effort to reach shore, clawing and flailing at the water. But the downward pull of the current was so strong it kept pulling her under. Up... down... up... down. Sherry was powerless in that current; she could not do one thing to save herself. She needed someone to save her, and she needed someone FAST, for the current was pulling her quickly toward the falls.
Many children, and grownups too, are passing through life in even greater danger than Sherry. The Bible warns, “There is but a step between me and death” (1 Sam. 20:3), and “after this [death] the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27. Sherry knew that she was in deep trouble and needed immediate help. But many children don’t realize the danger they are in. They just drift with the current as if everything were all right. Remember what the Bible says— “Now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
On the shore Sherry’s friends were frantic. “Sherry’s in the water!” one shouted. “Where is she? I can’t see her!” another screamed. They all were racing along the bank trying to keep Sherry in sight.
Greg, one of her friends, was a strong swimmer, so he dove into the water. In seconds he was almost paralyzed by the cold and knew he had to get back on shore quickly. They all knew her life was in danger, but not one of them was able to save her.
By now Sherry was really afraid, for she knew that her life was coming to an end. Then, to stop swallowing water, she rolled over on her back. Feeling a little more calm, she prayed that her friends would save her. God was going to answer Sherry’s prayer, but not in the way she thought. He was going to send someone else who could help.
Perhaps your parents, your Sunday school teacher or a friend has spoken to you over and over again about your sins—they are deeply concerned that you are still without a Saviour. And yet, like Sherry’s friends, they cannot save you. They can tell you the way, pray for you, but only the Lord Jesus Christ can save you. “There is none other name [Lord Jesus Christ] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
A man named John was driving along the highway that follows the Niagara River. When he saw a man frantically yelling and waving at him, he pulled over. He quickly learned about Sherry’s desperate need, and he was willing to try to save her.
“Get the rope from the back of my truck,” he ordered while pulling off his shoes. By now Sherry was only 110 yards from the 175-foot drop and as close to shore as she would ever be. If she were not rescued now it was sure death.
John jumped into the cold water with the rope tied around his waist. With great difficulty he swam the 80-foot length of the rope, calling to Sherry. He strained, lunged and almost reached her, but the rope was just a little short. John was desperate! He made one more try, stretching every muscle in his body... and was just able to grab Sherry’s hair. Afraid that she would panic and pull them both under, John wrapped her in a big bear hug while those on shore pulled hard on the rope. They steadily pulled them both to shore. What a relief when both Sherry and John were safely on land! How thankful everyone was that they both recovered from the very frightening episode and certain death.
John just happened to be passing by and was able to save Sherry when she was in real need—when she was just seconds from death. But the Lord Jesus is waiting and ready to save you right now. He came to this world to save sinners from eternal punishment in the lake of fire. But, you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved (Acts 16:31).
You may not feel you are in immediate danger, but we warn you that you are! When the Lord Jesus Christ returns (as He has promised He will), if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour you will be lost forever— it will be too late for you. It would be the same as if Sherry had gone over the falls. There is no rescue possible then. Sherry could be rescued because she was still in the river and someone strong enough to save her was there. The Lord Jesus defeated Satan at the cross by dying for us. When we call on Him, He is able and willing to save us. Won’t you accept Him now as your Saviour?
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Ecclesiastes 12:1.