Children—T. Roach
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Learn who want to come up towards the front. You're more than welcome. There's chairs here.
Does anybody have a song they like to start out singing this morning? Oh, what would you say, the wise man?
What number is the wise man?
I don't know if it's in here, but we can sing it anyway. The wise man built his house.
The wise man built his house upon the rock. The wise man built his house upon the rock. And the rain came tumbling down. The rain came down, and the flood came up. The rains came down, and the floods came up. The rain came down and the flood came up, and the house on the.
Rust stood firm.
The foolish man built his house upon the sand so we can build his house upon his hands. The golden sand fell in his house apart from the sand. And the rain came from the police and down. The rain came down and the flood came up. The rain came down as the floods came up, the rain came down and the bus came up.
And the house on the van thrilled.
Your eyes upon the water against the rise, against the gods.
Of times around for the victims of rock and the flesh, things were just from God.
You will be safe. When you judgment comes, you will be saved when the judgment comes, When it comes, you will be saved.
The child has been if you fail.
A couple different.
Ways to sing that last verse. So I think we did pretty good. Someone else have a song we'd like to sing this young boy.
Jesus loves me first and last. Jesus loves me. This I know.
Yes, she's transplanted. Yes, she is my classmate.
It is I practice being sure that I believe will take me all my time.
Yeah, I speak by the life of me.
I'm proud to make it so.
Boys, no a girl have a song they'd like to sing.
And here's a little girl #9.
OK, we'll sing the first verse in the chorus of #9.
We like to sing.
I'm sorry.
What song do you like?
Do you know what the number is in the other book?
When he comes #47.
Like the stars of the morning.
It is bright.
Does anybody have a song, boy or girl?
OK, we'll sing the first verse of #25.
OK, we'll sing the first and last of #41.
Kids are doing very good singing up here this morning.
Anybody else have a song? No. Here's one right down here, 2434.
Precious. Precious.
Already speak to me.
And for one or two more.
This young man, 3939.
You'll sing the first and last of #39.
Thank God in prayer.
Thank you.
Girl over here had a song.
OK, we'll see the first and last of #5.
Oh, happy.
Now rest my heart.
Based on that.
Northern Ireland, thy Lord be father, who answered my breath of dreamers of death.
Our God and Father, we just give thanks that we can come here this morning and sing these hymns and praises to and about the Lord Jesus Christ.
We thank the Lord Jesus for coming into this world and dying on the cross, making it possible for us to enter into the presence of God.
We just ask for each of the children here this morning who have heard the gospel many times.
Perhaps this morning someone would realize their need of a savior.
We just commit this time, and so thy hand, Lord Jesus, and thy name we pray. Amen.
I want to read a story this morning in Matthew chapter 5. It's a short little story.
And it's a man that was a leper.
I'm sorry, Matthew, Chapter 8.
Matthew chapter 8 and verse one.
When he was come down, this is the Lord Jesus they're speaking about. When the Lord Jesus, when he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him, and behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand and touched him, saying, I will be thou clean, And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
And Jesus saith unto him.
See that Tell no man but go thy way, and show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimony unto them.
The first first we read talks about the Lord Jesus when he was come down from the mountain here. This little Lord Jesus came down from the mountain to see a man who is in need.
And that reminds me of the Lord Jesus who came down from heaven. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And each of these boys and girls I see sitting here on the front row and this front row, and the ones in the middle and the ones in the back, Everybody's a Sinner. And the Lord Jesus came down from heaven all the way from heaven into this world because he loves you.
Lord Jesus came down.
He went down South low. He became obedient unto death.
Even the death of the cross, the Lord Jesus was willing to hang there on the cross.
Because he loved you.
Then it says about the leper here, says behold there came a leper and worship the Lord.
Saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
Is a disease, a disease that eats away at your flesh and your flesh start, your hands and fingers start to rot.
And eventually they'll fall off.
And it'll keep eating away at your arm until your arm falls off and leprosy.
Will eat away at you until it kills you, and it's a picture of sin.
That's kind of hard to understand, that a leprosy is a picture of sin.
What does it mean when we say it's a picture of something? If I if I had a picture of a house with some trees?
And green grass and a lake behind it. You'd be able to see it's a picture. It's not really a house, it's not really a lake.
But it's a picture of a lake, a picture of a house. Well, this is kind of a word picture of what sin is. Leprosy. Sin eats away at us. When I when I work, sometimes I clean carpets and sometimes we get a stain that won't come out. Doesn't matter what we try. So I have some chemicals that I can mix. I pour a little bit into a container from this bottle and a little bit into a container from this bottle, and it makes a.
Another kind of chemical and you pour it on the stain.
And you leave it there for about a whole day, 24 hours, and it starts eating away at the stain.
And sooner and after about 24 hours the stain disappears. But you know if you get some of that. I had a lady working for me and she got some on her fingers and about 5 minutes later she comes to me and says look at my fingers and they were all bubbled and and blistered and they're starting to melt. That chemical would eat away. She went and washed her hands so it wouldn't wouldn't make her fingers rot anymore.
They healed up OK, but if you stuck your hand in that chemical for too long, it would eat your hand away.
And that's what sin does. It eats away at your heart and boys and girls when you're little.
We sorry when when you're little.
Little things like disobeying your mom and dad, maybe telling a lie. These things are dirty things and they're sin and they eat away at us. And the next time it's easier for you to tell a bigger lie or another lie, or or disobey your mom again and again. So sin is something that's dirty. Leprosy makes us dirty. Sin makes us dirty in the presence of God.
We're told that all our good things that we do, all our righteousness is Who here does good things for their mom or dad? For friends at school? Anybody ever do something good for a friend at school?
Yeah, or we help our mom with the dishes. Or we help them fold the laundry. That's a good thing. But if you're not a Christian, if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, all the good things that you do could be sin.
All our righteousnesses are filthy rags. We can't get to heaven. We can't please the Lord.
Just by the things we do, the Lord Jesus wants our hearts and the Lord and the Lord Jesus says here in verse, let's read verse two. There was a leper that said, Lord, if thou wilt, thou can make me clean.
Now this leprosy. If I were to touch somebody who is a leper, I would get leprosy. I would start to get sick and I would my my hands would start to rot and I would. That's how sin is. If one boy or girl does something naughty and another boy or girl sees him do that and that if you get away with it, then other kids are going to try to do the same thing and sin effects everybody.
And so leprosy the Lord Jesus.
Who is walking by? And this man asked the Lord if he would. If you want to, you can make me clean.
But if the Lord touched him, he would be contaminated. He would get dirty too, and this man knew that, so he didn't think the Lord would touch him.
Have you boys, You boys and girls, your mom and dad like to touch you and hold you on their knee, put their arm around you, maybe hold your hand when you go for a walk. People like to be touched and felt, and it makes us feel like we're cared for. Well, this man, he had leprosy and nobody was able to touch him. He had to go out.
Many times back in in the Old Testament when they had leprosy, they had to go out and away from everybody and say unclean, unclean. When anybody came near, they had to say they were, they were dirty and they weren't allowed to touch anybody. I had a when we were in school, you know how kids sometimes make fun of people? But we had this one girl in our school in about third grade and she was a different nationality. So because of that.
People made fun of her and they called her Knob and he could touch them. If she touched you or you bumped into her, then you. They thought they were dirty. So in order to get rid of it, you touch somebody else and say knob germs and they cross their fingers and so they couldn't get it back. That was cruel. That was cruel. That girl, she felt sad because nobody cared for her.
And that's what sin is like. It makes us dirty. And we can't come into God's presence in our sin. You boys and girls, you like to go to heaven. You like to be with the Lord Jesus. Your mom and dad are going to go to heaven, and you want to be there with them. But if your sin, if you have sinned, if you've never repented.
You're dirty and you can't come into God's presence because God is holy, and I know you've learned that verse.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. God is holy and he has glory and you have come. You can't measure, you can't reach up to God's holiness. You can't be good enough for God.
So the Lord Jesus came down into the world to save.
And my grandfather told me this story about when he lived in Hawaii the the Hawaiian government tried to.
Get rid of the word leprosy. And they called it Hansen's disease. So they put it in the newspaper and they would say Hansen's disease when they talked about the disease. But next to it they put in brackets, they put leprosy. So it didn't matter how hard they tried to get away from leprosy.
Leprosy was still leprosy, and it still got people dirty.
Well, boys and girls, sin is sin and it doesn't matter what. Sometimes people say. Oh, he that that wasn't sin. He did that because he has a disease. Maybe he he has mental or emotional problems. We can fix that. That wasn't Stan. But it doesn't matter what man calls sin.
We're still sinners before God.
So this man was a leper and didn't matter what he did, but the Lord Jesus reached forth and he touched the man, and that man felt like he was being cared for.
And when you when you when you boys and girls sin, the Lord Jesus wants to reach out and touch you and heal you and make you clean.
Sometimes boys and girls like to disobey their mom. Or if we're busy reading a book or busy playing a game and our mom or dad asked us come here and we pretend like we don't hear them, that's disobedience. I was in a store the other day and the little boy was with his dad and they were going to buy some hockey, hockey equipment. And the little boy was looking at the equipment and the father said, come here son, let me try this, these shoulder pads on you.
And little boy says no, they're too small. I'm not coming, the father said. Come here son, we're going to try it on and see if it fits, The little boy said. No, I'm not coming. It's too small.
By this time, everybody in the store was looking at them.
And when the boy wouldn't come, I could see the father wanted to spank that son right there. But he looked around to see if anybody was looking and everybody was looking. And the little boy.
Went to one side of the store. He wasn't going to try it on and the father was very upset. So he put down the equipment and walked to the other side of the store to try to cool down. So I went up into that boy and I said to that boy, if you were my son, you would never play hockey again. And that boy, he got scared like maybe he wouldn't be able to play hockey.
Pep Boy was disobedient and maybe you think, oh, I'm not that bad, I wouldn't do that.
But when you But when you ignore your mom or dad, when they say to come here, or they say to don't do that and you do it anyway, that's sin. And you're just as bad as that little boy who wouldn't do what his dad told him to do.
Sin is very dirty.
When we disobey God.
In verse four it says.
Well, the end of verse three says that immediately when the Lord Jesus touched that man, his leprosy was cleansed. And when the Lord Jesus touches you when you come to him and repent for of your sins, when you tell the Lord Jesus I'm a Sinner and I deserve to go to hell.
In the Lord Jesus.
He will take you into his arms, he says. Come unto me, I love you.
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest. The Lord Jesus wants to save you.
And he says, Here, see, thou tell no man, but go thy way, and show thyself to the priest.
See if we tell the Lord Jesus told this man, don't tell any man they can't help you but go to the priest. And that's what it is like for for you as a boy or a girl. When you when you sin, you don't go tell your mom or your dad about the bad things you do, although they would like to hear too. But that doesn't get you to heaven. If you want to be saved, you have to tell the Lord Jesus that you're a Sinner. The Lord Jesus is our high priest and we can go to him and tell him about what we do.
You boys and girls have heard the gospel lots of times. I remember when I was in when I was about your age. I lived up in Nova Scotia and my dad and Mr. Berry. They had a Gospel 10 and I heard the gospel probably 40 times a week. Bible readings after breakfast, Bible readings after lunch, Bible readings at night before we went to bed.
They had We had gospel meetings for the children in the morning and Gospel meeting in the afternoon for the young people in a gospel meeting at night.
And I heard the gospel about 40 times a week, every day, all summer long, for about 8 weeks.
So I heard the gospel many, many times.
So I knew how to get saved. I knew all the memory verses I knew the answers to all the questions.
But I wasn't saved. I didn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as my savior. But I knew how to live like a Christian. I knew how to act. I knew the things to say. And I'm sure you, you boys and girls, I see a lot of you. You're pretty good kids, and you know how to act and do what your mom and dad tell you to.
But are you saved?
I know, I know one story about one little boy. He used to disobey his mom and dad. His name was Teddy and he disobeyed his mommy and daddy a lot. And he started looking at some bad magazines and found things in them and he started doing some of those bad things that he saw in those magazines. And he disobeyed the the law and he did bad things. And he captured people. He kidnapped them.
And he took them away, and he hurt them, And then he killed them and Teddy.
He grew up in a Christian home, just like you. He grew up in a Christian home and he knew the verses and he knew how to get saved.
But he he rejected it. He he went and he killed many, I don't know, 20-30 people.
And finally, they caught Teddy one day.
And they put him in jail and they made a special chair for Teddy.
And they sat him down in this chair and they hooked up a bunch of wires to the chair and all of a sudden Teddy was dead. It was an electric chair. And they shot Teddy till he died because they didn't want him going out killing any more people.
We're told in Hebrews 9 and 27.
He said it is appointed unto man or boys and girls once to die. Everybody's going to die once if the Lord Jesus doesn't come first to take us home to be with him, but after death, the judgment. Some people think that when they die, that's the end. But it's not the end. That's only the beginning of judgment. Just like Teddy, he he got judged for what he did and now Teddy's dead. And I don't know, I hope Teddy got saved before he died.
But I don't know. And I'm afraid that somebody here, one of you boys or girls, I see you sitting, looking, maybe thinking, when is this going to be over?
But I'm afraid there might be somebody here that's grown up in a Christian home.
And doesn't know the Lord Jesus as your savior. Just like Teddy, you grew up.
And we as Christian parents, we sometimes assume, oh, they look so nice. You act so nice, you must be a Christian.
I urge you, don't don't play with your life like that. The Lord Jesus, he wants you to come to him. He loves you. He died for you so you don't have to experience the judgment and punishment.
Of hell.
There was a there was a man many years ago and he heard that there was gold in Australia. So this man, he went and got on a big boat and went over to Australia and he went in the gold fields and he found lots and lots of gold. And after a couple years he was very rich. He had lots of gold, but he was going to then get on the ship and go back home. But he couldn't carry all this gold. He had so much of it.
So he went and bought a very large diamond. Now diamonds cost a lot, a lot of money. It cost him a lot of gold to get this one diamond. And this was a beautiful diamond. And when he held it up in the air, the sun shone on it and colors and it reflected things very beautifully. And he would like to throw it up in the air and catch it and watch the sun reflect off this diamond.
And he was on the ship one day and some of the passengers saw him doing this, and he said, you shouldn't do that, you're going to lose that overboard one day, she said. Oh no, I'll never drop that. But one day he threw it up in the air and was admiring all the pretty colors and boom, a wave hit the side of the ship and that.
Diamond fell overboard, went down to the bottom of the ocean. He lost it.
And you say, Oh my, that man, he was foolish to do that, foolish to juggle that diamond in the air, and he lost it. He lost his whole life savings by one moment of foolishness. And I agree with you, he was foolish. But is he any more foolish than you, boys and girls, if you don't know the Lord Jesus as your savior, any more foolish than you when you sit in in the Sunday school every week at home and you hear the gospel?
But you see.
I must be OK.
I'm doing OK. I always, every night when I when I was a boy, about your age.
I would pray at night, I said. Lord Jesus, if I'm not saved, save me.
But I never realized that I had to repent and turn away from my sins. And we're told that many will say to the Lord Jesus, Lord, Lord, but the Lord Jesus won't hear him. He won't hear you if you don't know him as your Lord and Savior, if you come and repent to him.
Then the Lord Jesus.
Will hear you. Well, when I finally did get saved, I had been telling people for so long that I was saved, that I was embarrassed to tell somebody that I would, that I had just gotten saved. But about a week after that, my oldest sister, she asked me, are you saved? And I said yes. I just got saved a week ago.
And that gave me such relief. I was so glad that I was able to tell somebody. And the Lord Jesus wants you to tell somebody that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior. And it will give you a peace. And it will help you realize that I am saved. I do know the Lord Jesus as my savior.
There's a verse in Romans 10 and 9 says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. Thou shalt be saved. There's no question you will be saved if you believe. Now I want to. I want to ask for five volunteers to come up and and quote that verse for us. We're not going to say the the memory verse. I'm not sure what it is, but if I can have five people come up and stand up together so you're not all by yourself.
Umm, if I can have five volunteers to come and quote that verse if you know it, who? Who knows? Romans 10/9.
This young man. OK, you can come up. Can I have four more people? OK. This girl.
You can come up. Anybody else know? Romans 10 and nine? OK, this girl.
And if you don't think you know it, I'll help you a little bit too. OK, we got four. We need one more person. How about another boy?
How about another girl?
OK, you want to say the verse 2, OK.
If you can come, if you can come up here, you want to you say the verse? If so shall consensus. I'm also Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be seized. Romans 10/9 Very good.
May not you I'll tell you what it is shall confess this with thy mouth that is a mouth the Lord Jesus.
And shall believe in thine heart based on your heart God hath raised.
From the dead?
Say Romans.
Sasha, please send her if that should confess.
With thy mouth the Lord Jesus, the God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved from the sin. 9 If thou shalt believe in my heart that if thou shalt confess with my thou north or Jesus, and believe in thy heart, that God is saying from the dead, that shall be saved from the South, shall believe in their heart and.
Confessed to them.
Believe in that heart and believe in my heart that God has to reach him from the dead.
Don't shall be saved tonight. Very good. Thank. Thank you very much. Look at that. It was kind of nervous and hard to talk up in front of people. I know how you feel.
I but you boys and girls, know, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Confess, believe and repent. If you tell the Lord Jesus someone that you know the Lord is your savior if you ask the Lord Jesus to.
Wash you from your sins. You shall be saved. You can never lose your salvation. There's another verse in John 316. How much time do I have? Okay. Almost done.
I'll quote this one rather than get more people to say it, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Everlasting life is something that never ends. If the if you get saved and you have it, you will never lose your salvation. Sometimes people think we can lose our salvation if we do bad things. But the Lord Jesus he says you shall never perish. There's a one verse I want to turn to in John 10:00 and 9:00.
That in verse 26 or verse 27 and it talks about.
Considers us as sheep when we know the Lord Jesus. My sheep hear my voice and I know them.
And they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My father, which gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hands.
The Lord Jesus, we are so safe in the Lord Jesus hands.
That we cannot be lost. I have a 50 Cent piece right in my hand here. It's called a half dollar and if I hold that in my hand, do you think you could get that out of my hand?
Does anybody want to try?
You want to try.
OK, how about you get somebody else to help you?
Anybody else want to help them?
You better get two or three at once to help. Come on, you better help too.
Come on, you can help too. OK, try harder.
You better get a couple more people up here.
Look, they can't. They can't get it out.
It's safe in my hand.
So they're trying hard too. OK, you can sit down now.
Look at that, they They gave up. They didn't keep trying.
And that's just like the Lord Jesus. When you're saved and you're in the hands of the Father, and you're in the hands of the Lord Jesus, no one can get you out of his hands. And nobody in this room can get it out of my hand unless they're stronger than me. And the Lord Jesus has you in his hands. The Father has you in his hands.
And there are no stronger hands in the universe. No one can take you out of the Father's hands, even your own self. You can't do anything to lose your eternal life. Eternal life is something that continues on forever. It doesn't stop and start and stop and start.
We're out of time, so.
Let's let's just ask Lords our.