Rev. 1:9-19; 4:1-5; 22
ALMOST all the twelve disciples were killed by wicked men. When Peter was old, some wicked men crucified him because he loved Jesus. Now he is in heaven with Jesus, clothed in a white robe, and all his tears wiped away. His dear Lord Jesus is always near him, and this makes Peter happy.
John lived till he was very, very old indeed. A wicked king caught him and put him on an island far away from his friends. There was water all around, so he could not get away.
Was John unhappy there?
No. God was with him, and John loved to think of the Father and of His Son Jesus.
It was the Lord’s Day, and John was thinking about God. John heard a voice behind him like the noise of a trumpet, very loud indeed.
He turned around to see who it was. Who do you think he saw?
It was the Lord Jesus come down from the heaven, all glorious and shining! When John saw Him, he could not speak or stand. John was afraid, and he fell down on the ground as if he was dead. But Jesus touched him with His hand and said, ‘Fear not; I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore.’ Then Jesus took John up into heaven, and an angel showed him most beautiful things.
John saw a throne on which God sat. There was a rainbow round the throne. There were many, many seats there. Men were sitting on them, all clothed in white, with crowns of gold on their heads. The men took off their crowns and threw them down before the throne and praised Jesus, the Lamb of God.
John saw many angels, more than he could count, standing round the throne, singing praises to the Lamb. But of all the things John saw in heaven, there was nothing so glorious as God himself.
In heaven there is no sun or moon or candle or lamp. Yet it is always bright, because God shines more brightly than the sun. The music of harps and sweet singing is always to be heard, for all the angels can sing the praises of God.
John wondered at the things he saw and heard, and he fell down at the feet of the angel who had shown them to him. But the angel said, ‘You must not worship me; I am only a servant of God. You must worship God.’
Then the angel went on speaking and said, ‘Jesus will soon come down from heaven to judge the world. He will open the gates of heaven to let those people in who love God’s Word. But those who tell lies, and do wicked things, shall be shut out.’ All the people who love Jesus will see Him come again in the clouds.
Do you wish to see Jesus, my little children?
Then you may answer, ‘Even so, come Lord Jesus.’ And I hope that when you die your spirit will go to Jesus, and that when Jesus comes again, He will bring you with Him.
John wrote down in a book the things he saw in heaven. All that John wrote is in the Bible.
At last John died, and his soul went to God. He is with Jesus now in heaven. He is now playing on a golden harp and singing with the angels. But, when Jesus comes again in the clouds, John will come with Him.
When John was by the angel led
To the bright world on high,
He saw what joys await the dead
When up to heaven they fly.
He saw them round the Father’s throne,
Gazing upon His face,
Singing with harps of sweetest tone
The praises of His grace.
He saw them clothed in robes of white,
Such as the angels wear,
Shining like stars of morning, bright,
And like the angels fair.
He saw the city where they dwelt,
Whose praises can’t be told.
The walls of precious stones were built,
The streets were purest gold.
He saw the Lamb whose blood was spilled
To give His people rest;
With His bright beams the place was filled,
And every heart was blest.
Charmed with the sight, John bent his knee
Before that angel fair,
Who said, ‘You must not worship me.
To God address your prayer.’
It’s God who rules the angel host
In the fair world of light;
It’s God who shuts the spirits lost
In realms of endless night.
O let me then this God implore
To pardon all my sin,
And open to me the heavenly door,
And bid me enter in.
Where was John shut up alone?
Who came to see John when he was alone?
What did Jesus show him?
Who did he see sitting round God’s throne?
How many angels did he see?
What makes heaven always light?
When John fell down at the angel’s feet, what did the angel say?
What will Jesus do when He comes again?
Who wrote down in a book about heaven and the angels?
Christ shall come again:
A verse from the Bible for you to learn:
Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him. Rev. 1:7.