WHEN did God begin to live in heaven?
God always lived in heaven.
Once there was no such little child as you, but there always was God. Once there was no sun, but there always was God. Once there were no angels, but there always was God.
No one made God; God was before all things, and God made everything. A very long time ago God made the angels. How many angels did he make?
No one can tell how many. There were more than could be counted. They were all good and happy.
But some of the angels grew bad. They stopped loving God, and grew proud and disobedient.
Would God let them stay in heaven after they were bad?
No; He cast them out, and put them in chains and darkness.
One of these bad angels was called Satan. He is the chief, or prince, of the bad angels. He is also called the Devil. The Devil is very wicked, and hates God. He can never go back to heaven again, but he comes here where we live, and he brings the other devils with him.
We cannot see Satan, because he is a spirit, but he is always walking about, and trying to make people bad. Satan loves doing harm to people; he does not wish to be good. It pleases Satan to see people in pain and in tears; but it pleases him best to see them wicked, because then he thinks that they will come and live with him in his dark place. He hopes there will be very many people in hell, so he tries to make us do wicked things and to keep us from praying to God.
I cannot tell you how very bad Satan is. He is very cruel, for he likes to give pain. He is a liar, and teaches people to tell lies. He is proud, and wishes people to think more of him than of God. He is jealous, and cannot bear to see people happy forever.
The devil hopes very much that you will come and live with him when you die. He knows that, if you are bad like him, you will live with him in hell. So he tries to make you like himself. When you are angry, you are like the devil. When you say, ‘I don’t care,’ you are like the devil. When you think yourself good, you are proud like the devil.
Can God keep you from listening to the devil?
Yes, he can; for God is a great deal stronger than Satan.
Besides this, God is always near you, for God is everywhere. Now Satan cannot be everywhere at the same time. It is true that Satan has a great many angels who go where he tells them; and that Satan and his angels come near you very often. But God is always with you; He is in front of you and behind you and on every side of you; He is about your bed when you sleep, and about your path when you walk. Therefore you do not need to be afraid of Satan; only ask God to help you, and He will do so.
Satan is much stronger than you are; but God is stronger than everyone. If anybody were to come to hurt you when you were alone, you would be frightened; but if you saw your father coming, you would run to him and you would not be frightened any more. Now God is stronger than your father; He can keep Satan from hurting you. Pray to Him, and say, ‘O Lord, keep me from being wicked like the devil, and from going to hell.’
(To Teachers. A very young child would not understand the rest of this chapter, except the last sentence. Therefore, it would be better to miss out this passage when the pupil is very young.)
God lives on high beyond the sky
And angels bright all clothed in white,
The praises sing of heaven’s King.
This God can see both you and me;
Can see at night as in the light;
And all we do remembers too.
‘Tis He bestows my food and clothes,
And my soft bed to rest my head,
And home so neat and mother sweet.
And should not I—or ever try
To do what He has ordered me,
And dearly love this Friend above?
I always should be very good:
At home should mind my parents kind;
At school obey what teachers say.
Now if I fight and scratch, and bite,
In passions fall and bad names call,
Full well I know where I shall go.
Satan is glad when I am bad,
And I have not done what I ought;
I am not fit with God to sit,
And angels bright all clothed in white.
I will confess my wickedness,
And will entreat for mercy sweet.
O Lord, forgive and let me live.
My body must be turned to dust.
Then let me fly beyond the sky,
And see Thy face in that sweet place.
And hopes that I with him shall lie
In fire and chains and dreadful pains.
All liars dwell with him in hell,
And many more who cursed and swore,
And all who did what God forbid.
Did the angels always live in heaven?
Who has lived always?
Why did God cast some of the angels out of heaven?
What is the name of the prince of the bad angels?
Why does Satan walk about here?
Can you keep yourselves from Satan?
God punished the wicked angels.
A verse from the Bible for you to learn:
God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness. 2 Peter 2:4.