Lessons of Shiloh: No. 1

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 14min
Joshua 18  •  12 min. read  •  grade level: 7
God had now redeemed Israel from Egypt. They were delivered from the power of Pharaoh, separated from Egypt by the waters of the Red Sea; and more, they had seen the ark pass into the depths of Jordan; they had followed through that type of death into the land. They had been circumcised; the reproach of Egypt had been rolled away; they had kept the passover in the land, and had known some fighting, failure, and victory. And now “the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there.”
Before we examine the first lesson of Shiloh, let us ask, How far have we traveled this journey? Can we remember in the days of our wretched slavery to Satan, that we had no power or means of escape? Did God, in His deep compassion for us, send His Son to redeem us by His own blood? Have we eternal redemption through His blood? Have we known real deliverance from sin and Satan? Have we been separated from the world, Satan’s world, by the death of Christ, as Israel were separated from Egypt? Have we had wilderness experience, and there learned that in us, that is, in our flesh, there is no good? And, further, have we died to it all with Christ, and in Him entered the land? If dead with Him, and risen with Him, that is the end of wilderness trial of the flesh, of self, under law.
Have we, as dead and risen, been circumcised? that separation unto God, as a sign of that righteousness we had in Him when He called us, as ungodly, Egypt’s reproach being, rolled away? And have we kept our passover, entering with boldness into His presence by the blood of the Lamb? Do we know anything of fightings, failures, and victories? Yes, Israel had now traveled as far as Shiloh. It is well to ask ourselves, Have we reached that point? Can we trace the hand of our God thus far with us? If so, let us ask, What is Shiloh? and what are its lessons to us? The first lesson we have is this— “And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there.”
Shiloh was the place where the Lord set up His name in the land at first (Jer. 7:12)—the tabernacle, His dwelling-place in the midst of Israel. Shiloh, the place where the Lord dwelt, was the very center of all Israel. Is not Shiloh, then, the gathering of the whole assembly of Israel together, a striking type of the church, or assembly, of God? There was one assembly of Israel, and the Lord in the midst. On the day of Pentecost, the one assembly of God was formed by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. There are, however, many points of contrast between the type and the antitype. Israel’s redemption was temporal and earthly; the redemption of the church is heavenly—for heaven, and eternal. The Lord was in the midst of Israel, but the veil shut them out of His presence. When Jesus bowed His head in death for us, the veil was rent from top to bottom, the way into God’s presence forever opened. The calling of Israel was earthly; the calling of the church is heavenly. How much is involved in this! A great work had been accomplished for Israel, and they were now in the land; they had crossed the Jordan, and they had come to Shiloh, the place of gathering to the Lord.
What a work had been accomplished for the church, when the first great gathering together took place, and the assembly was formed! In one case all Israel were together; in the other, “all believers were together.” (Acts 2:42-47.) “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart.” (Acts 4:32-37.) With Israel, “the land was subdued before them.” And with the assembly, the church, what mighty power there was in those first apostolic days! Converts then, by the power of the Holy Ghost, numbered by thousands.
Now, though Israel had passed the Jordan, and were in the very center of the land, yet it was a well-known fact, that seven tribes had not yet received their inheritance. Is not this also the case with the assembly, the church, to this day? The church, in the person of its Head, is in possession of the glory, yet how many dear Christians there are who have not received the inheritance!
Have we really laid hold of this truth—that all believers are reckoned as having crossed the Jordan, dead with Christ, and risen in Him, partakers with Him of the eternal inheritance, joint-heirs with Christ? No doubt we cannot understand this, or enjoy it, though in the heavenly position; and we cannot possess it, unless we have reached our Shiloh—what God began to do at Pentecost. It is important to know what point we have reached in our own souls. How many have passed through deep distress of soul as to sin and its bondage, like Israel in Egypt! They have just reached the blood of the Lamb, having found there is no other shelter from judgment. And, through the mercy of God, they have taken shelter, though in the dark, beneath the blood-sprinkled dwelling in Egypt. There they remain in that house; truly they are safe, but have never known in power what deliverance from Egypt is. Redemption, in full eternal deliverance, they have never yet known. Such souls can have no light, in that state, as to what Shiloh or Pentecost means.
Others may have traveled a step further. They may see distinctly they were slaves of sin and Satan, and, as such, may have learned how they found shelter by the blood of the Lamb; and more, deliverance; yea, have been separated from Satan’s kingdom and power through the death of Christ. But they have not yet learned the surpassing grace of Eph. 2 and Col. 2; 3:1-4. Have you, reader, passed through Jordan with the true Ark, which is Christ?
This will introduce you to God’s thoughts of His assembly now on earth, and what He expects from it. “And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you?” God had given them that goodly land, but they had not taken possession. He hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. How long have we been slack to go to possess our heavenly inheritance?
Shiloh, then, was not only the true ground of worship—there Jehovah dwelt amidst the people—but it was also the center of all operations and conquests. From thence three men from each tribe were to go forth, and mark out the land that remained. “And they shall divide it into seven parts.” “Ye shall therefore describe the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, that I may cast lots for you here before the Lord our God.” They were solemnly charged to bring the description there to Shiloh before the Lord. And they did so, “and described it by cities into seven parts, in a book, and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh.” Thus they went forth from Shiloh, and they “divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.” (Josh, 18:1, 8-10; 19:51.)
Here, then, we have two important principles—the tabernacle being set up at Shiloh as the dwelling-place of God, it becomes the center of gathering for worship, and also the center from which all operations have their source. It was so with the assembly once set up at Pentecost, it became the dwelling-place of God. (Eph. 2:19-22.) “In whom ye are also builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” All believers were gathered together, were builded together; and from this center, even from the Lord by the Spirit, all service had its spring and power. (Acts 13:1-4.)
The land was divided at Shiloh, and all cases for judgment were brought there before the Lord. It was there the fathers of the Levites came to Joshua, and unto the heads of the tribes, and there they spake unto them. (Josh. 21:1-3.) Was not this also, in like manner, in the beginning of the church? (See Acts 4:32-37.) Holy Ghost had come down from heaven, had formed the assembly, and united it to Christ in heaven; had come to dwell and abide in the midst of the one church. The new Shiloh was set up in the wilderness of this world—the church, the dwelling-place of God the Holy Ghost. Oh, if our hearts realized this, would it not be enough to settle any and every question brought before Him?
We shall now find that Shiloh was not only a striking picture of the assembly, as Shiloh was first set up in the land, after the full accomplishment of redemption, but also of its subsequent history. Those are very significant words at the end of the book of Joshua: “And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that over lived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Lord that he had done for Israel.” This closes the history of the Acts of the Apostles. Whilst the apostles and the elders who had seen the works of the Holy Ghost, lived, and those elders who outlived the apostles, the assembly served the Lord, and waited with joyful expectation for His return.
We now turn over the leaf to the book of Judges, and what a picture of the failures of the church! Who that knows anything of history can question the rapid increase of evil in the professing church? Let us not forget that all through the book of Judges, the tabernacle remained at Shiloh. And, in like manner, all through the dark history of Christendom, the Holy Ghost has remained in it, however grieved. When Joshua and all that generation were gathered unto their fathers, “there arose another generation after them which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim. And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about,” &c. (Judg. 2:8-12.) Is not this a sad picture of the church, as seen in its responsibility on earth? How soon it linked itself with the idolatry of the nations of the earth. The presence of the Holy Ghost was soon practically set aside; yea, complete redemption almost forgotten. Where is it to be found in the so called fathers of the church?
How little is said about the tabernacle at Shiloh during the days of the Judges! Yet it was surely there. It is not until chapter 18 that it is even named. “And they set them up Micah’s graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.” (Judg. 18:31.) Have there been no graven images set up in the so-called church? Yet the Holy Ghost is still here. Again, we find a man going up to the house of the Lord. (Chap. 19:18.) And what scenes of cruelty and fearful wickedness did he witness! This aroused all Israel, and they gathered together, and came unto the house of the Lord, and wept, and sat there before the Lord, and fasted. (Judg. 20:23-27.) What terrible destruction fell on Benjamin that day! This ended in leaving Benjamin without wives. And again Shiloh comes before us—yea, its locality needed to be accurately described. “Then they said, Behold, there is a feast of the Lord in Shiloh yearly, in a place which is on the north side of Bethel on the east side of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.” And it was as the daughters of Shiloh came out of the city to dance, every man caught his wife to go to the land of Benjamin.
Thus, in the book of Judges, we see the sad downward failure of Israel, with times of revival and deliverance, from time to time, as God raised up deliverers; but the very locality of the tabernacle at Shiloh had to be pointed out. Very, very little is said or known, apparently, about the presence of Jehovah, and the place where He recorded His name. Is it not equally so in what is called church history, after the first century? Failure, departure, and worldliness creeping in; but the true church of God, as seen in the Acts and Epistles, scarcely named, scarcely known; yea, the heavenly calling and principles of the church so effaced from men’s minds, that, even in this day, not a few lie in wait, and steal them, as the sons of Benjamin stole the daughters of Shiloh. Yes, how many steal precious truths, not to remain at Shiloh, the gathering together unto Him; but to take and trade with them in the land of Benjamin! Yes, the books of Joshua and Judges read like a prophetic sketch of the church, as seen in its history on earth.
Before we proceed to that deeply interesting and solemn warning of our subject—Shiloh—as found in 1 Samuel, let us ask, beloved brethren in Christ everywhere, Are we not slack, in every sense, in possessing the land? The whole period of the history of Christendom, before its final apostasy, and perhaps into it, is also divided into seven divisions, or epochs, of its history. (Rev. 2:3.) But at this time even, how many towns and villages are there, where the Lord’s people have not got possession of the heavenly inheritance! Are we not slack to go up to help them? Yes, souls need help all along the way from the darkness of Egypt to Shiloh. Yea, do we not all need to arise, and take possession? If we are at Shiloh, God’s center, still let us remember we are in the midst of enemies, far more subtle than the children of Canaan. “For we wrestle, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:12.)