Let Him in?

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I dreaded somewhat the call I had to make on my friend Bill. Although it was strictly for business purposes, the very recent death of his brother Tom must, through courtesy, be mentioned.
"Why," you question, "should one shrink from such a usual obligation? To offer sympathy to one who has suffered such a loss is all in the day's work." Yes, perhaps so, unless one is aware of a sad history preceding the death and is uncertain of any cause for hope for that soul's eternal welfare. "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 6:23.
But the visit must be made. As quickly as possible we conducted our affairs and I prepared to leave. Walking to the door I looked to the Lord for right words. Then I said: "Bill, before I go, I want you to know you have my sympathy in the death of your brother Tom. But, Bill, God has left you here for a purpose. Has it occurred to you that it may be to give you time and opportunity to receive His Son, Jesus, as your Savior?”
Almost too quickly he answered: "Say, I'd like to tell you about my brother's death. You knew Tom; and I must admit he was a pretty bad actor. He seemed to have forgotten all his early training and sense of decency.
"As you know, Tom spent much of his life behind bars for drunkenness and wife-beating. His wife, equally as bad, was imprisoned not long ago for attempting to kill him in one of her drunken rages. You know, one can't live a life of debauchery and get by unscathed, for old Mother Nature will collect.”
As Bill made that comment, the scriptural answer flashed through my mind: "For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Gal. 6:7.
"And Nature collected in full from Tom," Bill continued. "As the result of his degraded habits of life, he became very ill—incurably so, the doctor said. He suffered terribly at times, but as the end approached he sank into a state of coma.
"Thinking he could not last much longer, all the family, including Tom's wife, Mary, gathered around his bed. But this was not to be the end. After a while Tom's eyes came open and a startled look came over his face. Seeing us all there, a beautiful smile seemed to light up his features. With some difficulty he began to speak.
“‘I had a vision,' he said, 'a most wonderful vision. I thought I was in the most magnificent garden, a place beyond all description. As I was surveying the beauty of the place, One approached me in a shining white robe. His face shone like the sun and I started toward Him. Then I looked at myself and remembered what a wretch I had been! But oh, that shining One! He held out his arms and said: 'Come unto Me, all ye that labor.' In my vision I fell on my knees and said: 'Lord, I come.' Now I know that I am going to heaven very soon.'
"Tom then took his wife's hand and asked her forgiveness for all his unkindness and cruelty, and begged her to believe in the Savior. Turning to the rest of us, he said: 'You remember that Mother used to tell us that we needed to trust in Jesus.
I hope you will all meet me there!'
"This scene," said Bill, "was the beginning of a short extension of life for poor Tom, a time in which, instead of complaining and grouching, he was most appreciative of the smallest kindnesses.”
While Bill told me this story, his eyes kept filling with tears. As he finished he said: "Was this not wonderful?" I agreed with him, but asked: "Now, Bill, how about yourself? What decision have you come to?”
Tears again came to his eyes and flowed down his cheeks. Without answering, he let me go; and as I would have turned back, he shut the door in my face.
My reader, is there a closed door between your heart and the Savior? I beg you, in His Name, open it while it is yet the day of grace. Let Him in!
There's a Stranger at the door;
Let Him in!
He has been there oft before;
Let Him in!
Let Him in ere He is gone
Let Him in, the Holy One;
Jesus Christ, The Father's Son—
Let Him in!

Open now to Him your heart;
Let Him in!
If you wait He may depart;
Let Him in!
He your soul will e'er defend;
He will keep you till the end;
Jesus Christ, the sinner's Friend:
Let Him in!