"Let Me Go; I am a Christian"

Some time ago a sailing vessel was caught in a storm; for some time it successfully combated the elements, but the strain on all parts was excessive; every moment the crew feared that the vessel would spring a leak. At last their fears were realized. The vessel was leaking. A search was made and the leak was discovered; it was just at the water line, but there was no way to get at it except over the side. Would anyone face almost certain death in the hope of saving his comrades? No one dare be ordered to such a duty. Volunteers were called for. Three men stepped forward, but one of them said: “Let me go, mates; I am a Christian, and better prepared to die than any of you.”
The other men looked at him in surprise, but silently acquiesced. He was lowered over the side on a thin scaffolding. The waves broke over him, and every moment threatened to carry him into the raging waters; but He who stilled the tempest was with him, and strong in His power the sailor was enabled to nail a board over the leak and the crew and ship were saved.
The heroic sailor was drawn safely up, and soon afterward gave himself entirely to the work of his Master, and today is an active missionary among sailors.
Nor was his testimony in the hour of peril without effect upon his mates. They saw that Christianity, instead of lessening, increased and ennobled manhood, and the event was blessed to the souls of some of them. The Christian life has an immense vitality because of its source. It can face death fearlessly, for all things are to work together for good to them that love God. “British Evangelist.”