May 9, 1850.
My Very Dear Sister,
I had written to you and my dear brother, as I heard through your last of his sore bereavement.
Would that I had bowels that could feel for others, and give my honored brother the comfort of deeper fellowship in his sorrow. Remember me in all love to him. Tell him I am knowing something of the dealing of the blessed, blessed God with my own soul just now, and in the midst of exercises can both trust Him and bless Him. He aims to take us out of an artificial into a real atmosphere, to speak immediately to us, to give tokens without and consolations within, while both things and people be against us, and our reins are chastening us.
As surely as it is written, "He that believeth ... shall be saved" (Mark 16:16), and again, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3), so surely may our dear brother rejoice in the evidence his departed one has left behind her. How quick the passage is made from darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son! We take the two steps: we learn that we have destroyed ourselves, and then that in Christ is our help.
The Lord be with your spirit! Accept our united love and remember us to your dear sister.
We are moving this day into Dublin, so that our address will be, 2, Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin.
Ever your affectionate brother,
J. G. B.