Letter From a Youth

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
(Dictated a few days before his death).
1 John 1:7.
DEAR BROTHER, I wish to speak a few words to you from my deathbed. I am turning daily weaker; I have faith in Christ that He has blotted out all my sins. I can speak of death now without fear. Jesus Christ has taken the sting out of death through His own death. Oh, Willie! I would like you to read your Bible with attention, not in a careless manner. If I had read the Bible more, I might have been spared a great deal of trouble in this my affliction. You will likely be home at the funeral, and when you see the cold clay lying in the coffin, remember that the spirit is in heaven. Oh, Willie! may these words sink deep into your heart, as they come from a brother’s deathbed! It will be the last letter you will get from me, if the Lord will. Beware of the vanities of this world, for they are fleeting things, but “the word of the Lord endureth forever.” Farewell, I hope to meet you in a better world.