November 8th, 1863.
The greatest sin of all is that of unbelief; and I think that lies at your door. Oh, thou of little faith! an unbelieving believer. I am very glad you were helped to see " Lo, I come to do Thy will, 0 God," is the only principle of Christian life, and that, according to Matt. 11 (end of chapter), it gives rest to the soul. But then comes the discovery, " But I am not that." Well then, weary and heavy laden, come to Him, and He will, little by little, make you learn how to walk under the yolk with Him. Here below you must be satisfied never to be perfectly at rest in your soul (in the foundation of Christ you may be at once), just because of being still a learner, and therefore perfect rest, in this sense, you will not have.
G. V. W.