Letters 64

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
September 27th, 1871.
My Dear Miss——-,-Will you please direct this note for me to our sister? I thought I had her address, but I find it not. I enjoyed and got rested too in my little visit to -. How kind she is to me, and always so. Well, the Lord will repay it all, I doubt not. Ar round of work this morning, so I write this in haste ere going forth to it.
Ever yours in Christ, G. V. W.
I was reading at breakfast an account of a new sect, " The Positivists." The theory is, " Humanity is God," and besides that there is no God. What a fool man is when left to himself. But for the incarnation of the Son of God I should be ashamed to be a man.