Letters 93

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Christchurch, New Zealand.
My Dear——-, Yours of 20th ult. reached me here to-day, the 6th April, so I write at once, not to lose a mail.
Having come out with New Zealand on my heart and mind, I must do what I feel I can, under God, do here, ere I pass on.
The expression you refer to, " The Lord's body was broken," I will (D.V.) write you upon again. As a matter of fact, His hands, His feet were pierced, and His side also, so that the statement is according to fact. The terms, however, do not occur in 1 Cor. 11; and while critical books have pointed this out, hyper-critics are for showing their knowledge, by watching to see whether any quoting Scripture, as learned educationally, are guilty of misquoting, according to the latest MSS. and translation in 1 Cor. 11 One elderly man used to make it a touchstone; and a good many, tickled with their own little bit of knowledge, have worried others with it. Of course, if after due examination I had accepted a newly-translated passage anywhere, I have accepted it. But then, not I, nor any grave brother, like——, or——, would like me to read out a new translation of my own in the assembly, so I read the authorized version (——says there is only one passage which——will not read as in the A.V., and that is 1 John 3:4).
I must not write more, so for the moment farewell. Salute your brethren for me, and all whom I know in the Lord. I hope to write soon again, on above, &c., and so soon as I see my path. Do you, too, write to me, if a path opens to yourself.
Most affectionately, G. V. W.