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Here come the postman! Is there a letter for me today?” And as soon as we discover a letter addressed to “Miss Mary Smith” or “Master John Jones,” no time is lost in opening the envelope to see what the letter says.
We all like getting letters, don’t we? And I sometimes think that the ones we like best come front other lands. But what would you think of someone who had had a letter for days and never opened it?
“I’d never do a thing like that” I think you are saying, but perhaps you are. Do you know that the Bible, God’s Word, is a letter from God to you, and that He wants you to read it?
“Mother I’ve found a dusty old thing High on the shelf, just look!”
“Why that’s a Bible, Tommy dear,—
Be careful it’s God’s own book.” “God’s book,”—the child looked up surprised
“Then Mother before we lose it
We’d better send it back to God,
For you know we never use it.”
We hope none of our readers are like Tommy and his mother who never read “God’s own book” for there are so many things which God wants us to know and believe.
First He tells us that we need to be saved.
“We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:4. Did you ever realize that the very best that you can do, looks like that in God’s sight? What must He think of our sins?
And the only way to have those sins forgiven and be saved, is to come to the Lord Jesus, who says,
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
ML 05/28/1944