Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Descendants of Levi
(Ex. 6:16-25; Lev. 25:32; Num. 35:2-8; Josh. 21:3). In above, the tribe is meant. But Levites came to mean the priestly branch, that is, descendants of Aaron (Josh. 3:3; 1 Kings 8:4; Ezra 2:70; John 1:19). Three Levitical lines, Kohathite, Gershonite, Merarite (Num. 3:17). Assigned 48 cities among the other tribes (Num. 35).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
The tribe that descended from Levi, son of Jacob. When Moses came down from the mount and saw the golden calf which the people had made, he asked, “Who is on the Lord’s side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.” He bade them gird on their swords and slay every man his brother, his companion, and his neighbor. And there fell of the people that day about three thousand. Moses spoke of it as consecrating themselves to the Lord, every man upon his son, and upon his brother, that God might bestow a blessing upon them (Ex. 32:26-29).
The Levites were chosen by God as a redemption for all the firstborn of Israel, which God claimed for Himself. They thus became wholly His, and they were given to Aaron to minister in all that pertained to the service of the tabernacle, except the priesthood, which was restricted to Aaron and his descendants (Num. 3:5-51).
Of the Levites there were three main branches: the GERSHONITES, the KOHATHITES, and the MERABITES. Moses and Aaron were descendants of Kohath. When the camp of Israel rested, this tribe surrounded the tabernacle. When it moved they had to carry its various parts and the sacred things belonging thereto. According to Numbers 4:3, the Levites appear to have commenced their tabernacle service at the age of thirty; but in Numbers 8:24-26 the age is given as twenty-five. It may be that they spent the first five years on probation, learning their duties. When Israel had settled in Canaan and the labor of carrying the tabernacle was over, they commenced their service at the age of twenty. They labored till they were fifty years of age (1 Chron. 23:24-27).
Before the Levites entered upon any service they were thoroughly cleansed and consecrated. The children of Israel put their hands upon them, and Aaron offered them “before the Lord for an offering of the children of Israel” that they might execute the service of the Lord. An atonement was made for them (Num. 8:5-26).
The Levites had no inheritance in the land, and in order that they might be free to serve the Lord, tithes were given them (Leviticus 18:1-32). Forty-eight cities were given to them as places to dwell in, and the suburbs thereof for their cattle. Six of these cities were to be CITIES OF REFUGE (Lev. 35:1-8). The names of the cities are given (Josh. 20:7-9; Josh. 21:1-42).
In the time of David the Levites were set over “the service of song”; others were door-keepers: some were singers and others played on various instruments (1 Chron. 6:31; 1 Chron. 15:16,26). In the days of Hezekiah, after the temple had been cleansed, the Levites apparently helped to flay the sacrifices, being found “more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests” (2 Chron. 29:34). At the Passover that followed, the Levites had the charge of killing the passover lambs for the people who were unclean (2 Chron. 30:17). On the return from exile the Levites helped to explain the law to the people (Neh. 8:7-8). In the New Testament the Levites are mentioned only in Luke 10:32; John 1:19 and Acts 4:36.
The Levites are typical of Christians, who are redeemed, cleansed, and consecrated to the service of the Lord, and have no inheritance on earth.
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
patronymic of Levi
From Manners and Customs of the Bible:
Numbers 3:6. Bring the tribe of Levi near, and present them before Aaron the priest, that they may minister unto him.
The family of Aaron were set apart especially to the duties of the priesthood. The rest of the tribe of Levi were consecrated to special services in connection with the worship of Jehovah. Each of the three families had its particular duties assigned. The Kohathites had charge of the sacred utensils of the Tabernacle. They saw that they were properly removed when on the march, and that they were put into their appropriate places when the encampment was again fixed (Num. 4:4-15). The Gershonites took care of the hangings and curtains of the Tabernacle (Num 4:21-28). The Merarites were required to look after the boards, sockets, pillars, pins, and cords of the Tabernacle (Num. 4:29-33). Moses also gave the Levites judicial authority (Deut. 17:8-12) and made them keepers of the book of the law (Deut. 31:9,25-26). After the temple was built they acted as porters, musicians, and assistants to the priests.
The first Levites who were appointed began their service at thirty years of age (Num. 4:23,30,35), but it was ordered that after that the age for commencing should be twenty-five years (Num. 8:24). In David’s time they began serving at twenty (1 Chron. 23:24-27). They were released from all obligation to serve when they became fifty years old (Num. 8:25).
Forty-eight cities were set apart for their residence in the Land of Promise. Six of these were also cities of refuge, and thirteen of them they shared with the priests (Num. 35:1-8; Josh. 21:13-19; 1 Chron. 6:54-60).
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