Lift up Thine Eye to Jesus.

LIFT up thine eye to Jesus!
The sorrows of the way
Are only placed there by His love,
Lest thou shouldst wish to stay.
And He would have thee watchful be,
Waiting till He shall come,
And listening for the welcome call,
“Rise up, beloved one.”
Lift up thine eye to Jesus!
Why should it downcast be?
Each treasure which He guards on high
He keeps in store for thee.
And while He gathers precious fruits,
And lays them at the gates,
‘Tis for His own beloved He thinks,
And ‘tis for her He waits.
Song of Solomon 7:13.
Lift up thine eye to Jesus!
Though He has gone before,
‘Tis but to get a place prepared
For those whose sins He bore.
And thou’rt so precious in His sight,
He’ll never, never rest,
Till He has brought thee to His lime
With Him, supremely blest.
Then lift thine eye; for Jesus,
“The Morning Star,” is nigh;
The night is nearly past, and soon
Thou’lt see Him rend the sky.
And through that day of endless bliss
Thou’lt share His glorious throne,
His longed-for presence, and His joys;
Yea, He Himself thine own.
R. C.