2 Timothy 2:4; Joshua 14:14
The day of his conflict is over and done;
The voice of his Master, that glorified One,
Has called him away with his welcome, “Well done”;
His part in the war is finished and o’er:
He has gone to the One whom he loved and adored,
And peacefully entered the joy of his Lord.
His heart had been won; though the foe oft enticed,
He gladly confessed that his heart was sufficed —
To find all his joy—all his treasure—in Christ,
Neath whose banner unfurled, he fought in the world;
How true was his pleasure, poor sinners to win,
For the One who had purchased and cleansed him from sin.
Through conflict, confusion and errors abroad—
The truth “his equipment,” with grace sweetly stored,
He faithfully followed his Master and Lord;
And daily and yearly he lived in the smile
Of Him by whom actions and motives are known —
Who guided His servant in paths of His own.
He heard the recall, and laid down his shield,
With the trust that his part was accepted and sealed,
Befitting the war — quitting the field
At the call of his Lord to receive his reward,
And enter at length on the full tide of joy
And perfect communion which never can cloy.
The breastplate no longer he needs for his breast—
The armor gives place to the garments of rest,
The full flowing robes of the home of the blest:
His girdle’s untied and his sword’s laid aside;
The Lord whom he clung to and fought for so well,
Has called him away in His presence to dwell.
He has lain down to sleep, and we weep, yet rejoice,
Well pleased that our Lord should lay claim to His choice;
We wait for “the trump” the archangel’s voice,
To fold up our tents and to summon us hence,
Where sorrow, defilement, and conflict shall cease,
The haven of hope, and of rest, and of peace —
To be with the Lord — where no one can sever,
To be with the Lord — in His glory forever;
May we who are left in the desert below
Use our strength for the Lord wherever we go;
He has faithfully promised, to all who endure
The hardness of soldiers — the victory is sure!
Author unknown