Proverbs 30:24-28
Part 3
There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:
“The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;
“The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;
“The locusts have uo king, yet go they forth all of them by bands.
“The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in king’s palaces.”
You all know about the busy little ants; but the conies do not live in all lands, and most of us have never seen one. Even in lands where they live, people seldom see them, because they are such timid little animals, staying in wild rocky places where they have their homes behind the rocks out of reach of other animals or people. They are about as large as rabbits and are also called “rock badgers.” They have no way to fight off an enemy, and seem to know their only safety is to hide among the rocks.
It is said that when they are hunting for food, one coney stands guard upon a high rock; if it sees an enemy coming near, it gives quick sharp squeals to warn the others, and all scaniper to holes between the rocks. for this animal in the Hebrew means “hider”, and that is how they show the wisdom, which God has given them, by hiding in a safe place.
There is a way that boys and girls and older people are “feeble folk”; they cannot save themselves from their great enemy, Sin. But they may also be “exceeding wise” if, like the conies, they go for refuge to a safe place. The safe Rock, or refuge, for people is Christ. A rock speaks of what is solid and very strong, that is why it is used to tell of the Lord.
He is called The Rock of Ages, or for always.
He is the One to save us from God’s judgment against sin, also He is also the One to keep us from doing wrong day by day. There are some things that those who love the Lord cannot change, and are not told to fight against, but are told to “flee” from, to have no part with. Such things as foolish pleasures, silly pictures, untrue books and many others will keep you front what is good; but when you are tempted to give your time and thoughts to them, you can hurry to trust the Lord to keep you, as the little coney is wise and runs from trouble, to the rocks.
There was a young man named Timothy who was told to “flee youthful lusts”, which meant the wish for things just to please himself; instead, he was told to do the things which would please and honor the Lord:
“Flee youthful lusts,.but follow righousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Tim. 2:22.
David had much trouble and often hid in rocks, what did he say the Lord. was? (2 Samuel 22:2).
What are a “refuge” for the conies? (Ps. 104:18).
“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.” Ps. 46:1.
We will learn about the other small creastures later, the Lord willing.
ML 04/27/1941